West Arapahoe Co. Birds

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Jared Del Rosso

Aug 14, 2016, 8:32:49 PM8/14/16
to Colorado Birds
I've been pleasantly surprised by the diversity of birds in west Arapahoe County over the past few days. Nothing unusual, but eBird tells me I've encountered 53 species since Thursday (August 11) in the circle (of about a 3 mile radius) I bird around my house near deKoevend Park in west Centennial. By comparison, the previous week yielded 37 species.

Highlights have been:

- Several days with an adult male Calliope Hummingbird at my feeders. I first spotted the bird on August 11 and saw it last on the evening of the 13th. I haven't been watching my feeders today, so I don't know if it's still around. I've also seen Calliopes at Willow Spring Open Space (8/13) and Marjorie Perry Nature Preserve (8/14).

- Sparrows. I first noticed Lark Sparrows in the area in late-July at deKoevend Park. More recently, several were at Willow Spring Open Space on Saturday; I had one there today. A Brewer's Sparrow and Lark Bunting were also at Willow Spring on Saturday, and I spotted a Brewer's Sparrow at Chapel Hill cemetery on Friday.

- An Eastern Kingbird, my first in this area, was at Willow Spring on Saturday.

- Bullock's Orioles, Lazuli Buntings, and Western Wood-Pewees have been scarce or outright gone from my circle since early-June. All have come out of hiding, moved back in, or passed through recently. I spotted two male Lazuli's at Marjorie Perry on Thursday. Bullock's Orioles were at Willow Springs and Marjorie Perry on Saturday and Sunday. And Wood-Pewees seem to be everywhere, much as they were in May. I've had them in my yard and at Marjorie Perry and Willow Spring over the past few days.

- A single Common Nighthawk, which flew over my yard Friday evening. My previous nighthawk sighting was July 26, when a flock of 5 or 6 passed over Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit (across from deKoevend) around 6:30 PM. They were spotted, some time after that, by another birder who was on the Dry Creek Trail a bit south and east of the church.

- Jared Del Rosso
Centennial, CO

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