Results of Del Norte Birdwalk

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Aug 7, 2016, 1:12:17 PM8/7/16
to Colorado Birds
We had a wonderful morning in Del Norte along the Riverwalk Trail. A total of 6 ladies enjoyed the birding and we even had one gal from Colorado Springs.
We enjoyed sharpening our birding skills by seeing and hearing birds. We listened to songs, even though it is fall migration and birds are more subdued. We also practiced spotting birds and describing them when we saw them. Some of the highlights included:
Gray Catbird....numerous in the thick willow habitat.
Yellow Warbler
Red-naped Sapsucker
Williamson’s Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Flicker, Red-shafted
Song Sparrow
Western Wood-pewee
American Goldfinch
BC and Mtn Chickadees
Many American Robins
and many persons “favorite” Black-billed Magpies.
and  a fawn Mule Deer suckling on its mother! What a sight! 
We ended up with about 25 species for the morning. Great day out and about....
John Rawinski
Monte Vista, Colorado
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