Checking In from Golden

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Elliott Gordon

Apr 29, 2014, 11:54:37 PM4/29/14
It's been a while since I've posted, and it's also been a while since the birds were active on the Colorado School of Mines campus. Recently, Lesser Goldfinch, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, American Kestrel, and Cliff Swallows have returned. Red-tailed Hawks and Turkey Vultures are soaring almost daily. Also, I've had a couple flyover grackles that I'm not confident calling between Great-tailed and Common, thoughts?

Continuing: I'm fairly sure there are at least three Northern Flicker territories on campus, though I've seen them range well over a hundred feet as they look for food. House Finches and European Starlings love sitting in the tops of trees, and there are also at least four members of the finch choir across campus. A Robin can be heard singing every morning and evening. When I walk into downtown, the finches are everywhere. Collared Doves seem to show up whenever they please and give a few coos from time to time. Geese have cleared out for the most part. And Kestrels may be nesting by the old Ford dealership on 19th.

Good Birding,
Elliott Gordon
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