New website: Check out the homepage

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Ted Floyd

Nov 22, 2014, 9:04:48 PM11/22/14
Hello, Birders.

Sorry, I was off the grid, at least COBirds-wise, last week. Which means I haven't had a chance for a little while to tell you more about all the great content and functionalities of the new COBirds website. Like the homepage iteself! If you haven't gone there yet, please do. Designer Ann Johnson has done a marvelous job of making this site function well both on smartphones and in the old-fashioned medium of computer monitors.

The basic concept of the homepage is to navigate you toward useful and timely content, both onsite and offsite. You've heard already about some of the splendid onsite content (convention reports, upcoming events, etc.). But the homepage is also an efficient way to get to offsite content of special interest to Colorado birders. A sampler:

1. CFO headlines. This is what it sounds like--current news for Colorado birders.

2. Colorado County Birding and the Colorado Bird Records Committees sites. These are sorta onsite, sorta offsite. More onsite, inasmuch as you get full access with your password.

3. COBirds (i.e., the listserv, where you are right now), eBird-Colorado, and CFO's group page on Facebook.

4. Birding and field ornithological sites with special relevance to CFO's mission. For example, the Colorado Birding Trail and the Colorado Breeding Bird Atlas.

And a whole lot more: a bird ID quiz, a bird checklist for the state, a directory of CFO volunteers, a portal to online content for Colorado Birds, information on grants and scholarships, etc.

See for yourself! It's all here:

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado
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