Pacific Loon @ Cherry Creek State Park / extra scope?

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Angela Trnka

не прочитано,
14 жовт. 2021 р., 15:16:4214.10.21
Кому: Colorado Birds
Hi All!

Did anyone get a good scope view and/or clear photo to positively identify the reported Pacific Loon at Cherry Creek State Park this past week? We went out last evening searching for this bird and think we found it on the west side from the dam walkway. I've checked with a local eBird Reviewer and he thinks it's likely (but hasn't seen it yet himself). I went ahead and submitted my eBird list including this bird. However, I'm still searching for further verification.

This is what I wrote:
"Non-breeding plumage, probably juvenile. Stands out among all the WEGR, is smaller than WEGR, solo behavior, body sits low in the water, dark back, dark head, white throat, dark grey bill. Found on west side from dam walk at marina."

I'd love to hear from anyone who has positive ID of this or if not, what else you think this could be.

Thanks in advance!

PS. Unfortunately, I don't have a scope yet (wish list!!!) nor a high-quality camera. 
If anyone has an extra/old birding scope you'd like to get off your hands, I'm interested! Please contact me :)
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