A quiz

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May 29, 2015, 12:37:52 PM5/29/15
Mr. Floyd points out an interesting ABA blog article about names and checklist order.  First off, despite the impression my quiz might give, let me say I do not regard misspelling a felony.  I confess to having messed up "MacGillivray's" (and "Steller's" and "wigeon") more than once in my journals.  That said, I read another entertaining blog entry lately, this one about Big Day's at night authored by Mr. Floyd.  It talked about rules and how sometimes they make sense, sometimes they are to be thrown aside like dirty laundry.  I basically agree.  It just seems to me a person's legal name should not be subjected to innocent or blatant dissing out of pure laziness or whim.  We all have field guides and just because spellcheck doesn't understand "MacGillivray" doesn't mean we can't open our books for something other than relearning the 50th time what makes a subadult gull a Mew vs. Ring-billed.  When the article pointed out by Mr. Floyd, written by Ted Hartley, informs us the "official" committee might well change this man's name to the most common way it is misspelled by birders seems a total cave-in to the butchering of the English language we are already subjected to in myriad ways.  Will the AOU Board soon be replaced by the cast of "Duck Dynasty"?  Which reminds me, several weeks back I was atop Cameron Pass, near a thawing wetland, and heard a bird in the darkness.  Was it a Richardson's (or however you spell his name) Owl or a Hookum Pate? 

Fort Collins

Joe Roller

May 29, 2015, 3:32:54 PM5/29/15
to Colorado Birds
Was that article written on April 1st?

If someone was actually serious about revising spellings to the most common misspelling,
that person should be tarrred and featherd and wridden out of tone on a Virginies Rale.

Joe Roller, 

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