Painted Buntings, Picture Canyon, Baca Co. 5/10/14

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Christian Nunes

May 11, 2014, 12:42:07 AM5/11/14
to CObirds List
Dear birders, 

After leaving the very discordant Zone-tailed Hawk habitat that is Lamar, the 11 members of the CFO Spring Field Trip booked it south to Picture Canyon in southern Baca County. The petroglyph-clad canyon walls are reminiscent of where one might encounter a Zone-tailed further south. This is where we found the second gem of the day in the form of a singing male PAINTED BUNTING. He was being accompanied by a female while working the small trees and shrubs along the canyon rim just down the trail from the trail head. 

Great birding,

Christian Nunes
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