Boulder Varied Thrush is off-limits

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Chip Clouse

Jan 8, 2020, 4:31:45 PM1/8/20
to cobirds
I received another call from the Bocks about birders visiting their N Boulder yard today.  They are completely overwhelmed as is their dog. Birders are behaving themselves but these poor people had no idea the traffic this would generate. I'm sorry if you missed the bird on the first day but PLEASE do not go back.  We don't want birders to get a bad name.
I have suggested that they post signs or remove their feeders until the bird(s) moves on.  If you posted your sighting to eBird, I think it would be appreciated if you change the location to a more generic, even countywide location as I'm sure people are seeing your checklist on eBird or getting eBird alerts and not reading COBirds.

Kind regards,
Chip Clouse (just the messenger, don't shoot!)
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