Ross's goose at Dodd Reservoir

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Dave Fletcher

Apr 1, 2017, 7:38:35 PM4/1/17
One white goose with Canada geese on SE corner. Ross's head and Bill, dark legs, very white. Some domestic variety possible?

On Apr 1, 2017 2:33 AM, <> wrote:
"Johnson, Candice E., MD." <>: Apr 01 12:05AM

Today at 10 am my husband and I got out of our car on 96th Avenue near DIA and briefly saw 2 Burrowing Owls. We used our spotting scope & we noticed a couple of oil company trucks not too far away from the burrows. We drove on & returned about 20 minutes later. At the same spot was a HSS security vehicle, which pulled up next to us & told us we had to move on. We protested that we were only birdwatchers, but the woman officer kept yelling until we closed our windows. She then harassed another car driven by a birder with binocs across the road. Just a warning! I don't think they have any jurisdiction over the public highway, but I remain open to education.
Candice E. Johnson
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Migrant <>: Mar 31 11:46PM -0600

I was the other birder that the stupendously self-important "officer" (or whatever she was- a wannabe of some sort) attempted to chase off. I chose not to be chased. When she said, "you need to move along" (with sort of the same intonation one would use on a ten-year-old potential miscreant, loitering outside the sweet shop, awaiting an opportunity to steal a lollipop), I asked why. She replied that all the land around there is owned by farmers, DIA, etc, etc. She didn't specify who owns the shoulder of the road, but I suspect it is a public right of way. When I appeared reluctant to follow her stentorian-voiced instructions, she declared that, by golly, she'd just call the police. I allowed that seemed to be a grand idea, and please do. I waited around for a while (unsuccessfully scanning for the owls), but no police appeared.
I think she must be comrads-in-arms with Golf Cart Boy out at Latham.
Anyway, as Candace mentioned, I guess we have one more place where we offensive, aggressive, felonious birdwatchers are going to be harassed. I guess there aren't enough real criminals out there to keep these people busy......
Norm Lewis
Sent from my iPad
Ira Sanders <>: Apr 01 12:26AM -0600

I had a rent a cop try that with me at Marston. He was inside the fence
and I was outside. He got as far with me as the rent a cop did with Norm
at DIA. I almost pleaded with him to call the cops. I promised I would
wait right there.
Imagine that when no cops showed up.
Ira Sanders
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 11:46 PM, 'Migrant' via Colorado Birds <
Ira Sanders
Golden, CO
"My mind is a raging torrent flooded with rivulets of thought cascading
into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
Brandon <>: Mar 31 08:10PM -0600

A few new migrant birds have shown up in Pueblo, this past week.
Tree, Violet-green, and Barn Swallows on (26 March), Burrowing Owl
(26-27 March), Greater Yellowlegs (28 March), three American Avocets
on (26 March and 28 March, different locations), Northern Rough-winged
Swallows (along with the other swallows mentioned above) on 28 March.
I saw Barn Swallows again on (30 March).
Eastern Phoebes continue at a couple locations around Pueblo as of
3/30. Black Phoebes are appearing more as well, I finally saw my
first two Pueblo County this year, on 30 March (at two different
locations). The singing Carolina Wren and singing Winter Wren
continue in Pueblo through 31 March. The wintering Spotted Sandpiper
was seen on 29 March. Two Common Loons were seen on 30 March (one in
breeding plumage). I think the Red-necked Grebe may have left, I
looked once this week, and didn't see it, though it can hide, it has
hiding places, that are difficult to get to. A couple adult Bald
Eagles were still around along the River on 30 March. Ospreys seem to
be everywhere, nesting on many of the Osprey platform nests around
Up in Fremont County, there was singing Black-throated Sparrow on 27
March. Also, saw Eastern Phoebes, Greater Yellowlegs, American White
Pelicans as well.
Hopefully the first week of April, gets more migrants around Pueblo.
Good birding,
Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO
cteuton <>: Mar 31 06:08PM -0700

This evening, a Red Fox Sparrow was working around the shrubby area that is near the upper parking lot above the east boat ramp. This is on the trail that leads to the part of the park colloquially known as "Pelican point".
Cheryl Teuton
Braden Godwin <>: Mar 31 07:23AM -0700

I am a PhD student at the University of Wyoming studying the population genetics of hummingbirds, and I am looking for new sites to band, sample, and release Broad-tailed and Calliope Hummingbirds in Colorado. We look for home owners with busy feeders who are willing to host us for a day or two (we bring a travel trailer), set up feeder net traps, capture, ID species-age-sex, examine for diseases, place a tiny federal ID band on leg, collect an even tinier blood sample, give a final sugar water treat, then release. We provide information to the home owner host about the birds we captured at their place and updates about our study.

We use the blood sample for DNA for my PhD population genomics studies (Broad-tailed) to identify population structure, genetic diversity, adaptive genetics, cryptic hybrids, gene flow, and more. I use blood from all hummingbird species for hemoparasite studies – to answer what is the prevalence and parasite species distribution of malarial-type blood parasites in our WY and CO hummingbirds. We’re building our Calliope sample base for future genomic studies. We have a paper accepted and coming out soon on CA hummingbird blood parasites; another one on corvid hemoparasites (on our website below, click publications).

Our banding site home-owner hosts are typically very excited to watch the process, learn about the hummingbirds they have, and be engaged in science. We spent much of last summer throughout parts of WY and a few sites in CO, and now I am hoping to fill out my geographic sampling with a few more locations in Colorado. We are hoping to find locations especially in northern and western Colorado.

Do you have or know people with busy hummingbird feeders that would be interested in helping us? Please send me an email! My contact information and research website is below.

Thanks for any ideas and contacts!
Brady Godwin
PhD student
Program in Ecology, University of Wyoming
Wildlife Genomics and Disease Ecology Lab
(307) 766-6638
"The \"Nunn Guy\"" <>: Mar 31 08:35AM -0700

Hi all
For those who enjoy birding on our prairies ... an early trip to Pawnee
National Grasslands
Gary Lefko, Nunn
Joyce Takamine <>: Mar 31 04:11AM -0600

Compiler: Joyce Takamine
e-mail: RBA AT
Date: March 31, 2017
This is the Rare Bird Alert for Friday, March 31 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE: The RBA is using the new AOU checklist and the order of families has
BRANT (Arapahoe)
Eurasian Wigeon (Weld)
Mallard (Mexican intergrade) (Rio Grande)
Trumpeter Swan (Archuleta, Routt)
Tundra Swan (*Weld)
Barrow’s Goldeneye (Routt)
Mountain Plover (Costilla, Kiowa, Lincoln)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larimer, Montezuma,Weld)
Great Black-backed Gull (Larimer)
Williamson’s Sapsucker ( Pueblo)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (Otero)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Clear Creek)
Black Phoebe (Archuleta, *Boulder, Denver, Fremont, Pueblo)
Eastern Phoebe (Adams, Douglas, Fremont, Otero)
Winter Wren (*El Paso)
Carolina Wren (Pueblo)
Bewick’s Wren (Otero, Pueblo)
Lapland Longspur (Weld)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Kiowa, *Kit Carson, Lincoln)
McCown’s Longspur (Kit Carson, Lincoln)
Northern Parula (*Custer)
Rufous-crowned Sparrow (Otero)
Savannah Sparrow (Kit Carson, Saguache)
Fox Sparrow (*El Paso, Routt)
Lincoln’s Sparrow (Adams, Boulder, *El Paso, Larimer,Otero, Weld)
Great-tailed Grackle (Boulder, Jefferson, *Kit Carson, Larimer, *Weld)
---On March 25 at East Lake Shores Park, Riley Morris reported Lincoln’s
---On March 26 at Barr Lake SP, Will Sebern reported Eastern Phoebe.
---ON March 27 at Barr Lake SP, Diane Roberts, Karen Drozda, and Rebecca
Laroche reported Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On March 27, Deb Carstensen reported BRANT at her home off of Platte
Canyon Drive. Please call her
at 303-408-3010 for more information. Several birders saw the BRANT
including Tim Ryan, Marie Hoerner, and Doug Kibbe.
---On March 28 at Pinon Lake Reservoir, Ben Bailey and Byron Greco reported
Trumpeter Swan.
---On March 28 at Navajo Reservoir/Piedra River upstream, Ben Bailey and
Bryon Greco reported 2 Black Phoebes.
---On March 22 at Boulder Creek and 75th St., Jonathan Montgomery reported
Black Phoebe. On March 24 at Boulder Creek and 75th St., Christian Nunes
and Jeff Parks reported Black Phoebe. On March 25 at Boulder Creek and
75th St, David Dowell, Luke and Tracy Pheneger, Ted Floyd, Adam Vesely,
Steve Frye, and David Waltman reported Black Phoebe. On March 26 at
Boulder Creek and 75th St, Mark Minner-lee and Willem van vliet- reported
Black Phoebe. On March 26 at Walden/Sawhill Ponds, Christian Nunes
reported Black Phoebe at NW corner of waste water treatment plant and
Lincoln’s Sparrow. On March 27 Will Niccolls and Sue Riffe reported Black
Phoebe at Boulder Creek and 75th St. On March 29, Sharon Norfleet reported
that the Boulder Bird Club saw Black Phoebe at Boulder Creek and 75th St.
On March 30, Chris Brown, Brian Johnson, and Norm Lewis reported Black
Phoebe at Boulder Creek and 75th St.
---On March 29 at Sombrero Marsh, the Boulder Bird Club reported
Great-tailed Grackle.
---On March 28 at Guanella Pass Campground, Craig Robson reported 3
American Three-toed Woodpeckers.
---On March 29 south of Smith Reservoir, John Rawinski and John Stump
reported 9 Mountain Plovers.
---On March 30 at Lake DeWeese, Clif Smith and Pearle Sandstrom-Smith
reported a m Northern Parula.
---On March 25 at First Creek at DEN Open Space, Cynthia Madsen and David
Hill reported Black Phoebe at First Creek about 100 yards N of 56h Ave
---On March 28 at Ute Valley Park, David Tonnessen reported Lincoln’s
---On March 30 at Adams Open Space in Fountain, Diana Beatty reported a
Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On March 21 on Cherry Creek Tail – south end to Walker Road Gravel Pond,
Hugh Kingery reported Eastern Phoebe. On March 22, Kingery reported
Eastern Phoebe singing is same spot. On March 25 on Cherry Creek trail S
end to Walker Rd Gravel Pond, Cheryl Teuton, Hugh Kingery, and Glenn Walbek
reported Eastern Phoebe. On March 27, Hugh Kingery reported Eastern Phoebe
on Cherry Creek trail S end to Walk Rd Gravel Pond.
---On March 25 at Chatfield SP, Gregg Goodrich reported that the DFO Field
Trip has an Eastern Phoebe on the SE side of Kingfisher Bridge. On March
27 at Chatfield SP upstream of Kingfisher Bridge, Christine Alexander
reported Eastern Phoebe.
---On March 20 at Sinton Pond Open Space, David Tonnessen reported Winter
Wren. On March 23 at Sinton Pond Open Space, David Tonnessen reported
Winter Wren and Fox Sparrow (Red). On March 23, Chris Bronbin reported
Winter Wren at Sinton Pond. On March 24 at Sinton Pond Open Space, Glenn
Walbek and Mark Peterson reported Fox Sparrow (Red). On March 30, David
Tonnessen and Mark Minner-Lee reported Winter Wren at Sinton Pond and
Tonnessen reported Fox Sparrow (Red).
---On March 22 in Canon City, Dan Stringer reported Black and Eastern
Phoebe. On March 23, SeEtta Moss reported a pair of Black Phoebes between
Sell’s Lake and Arkansas River and Eastern Phoebe in
Canon City. On March 25, SeEtta Moss reported a pair of Black Phoebes near
MacKenzie Ave. bridge in
Canon City.
---On March 25 at Harriman Lake Park, Chris Brown reported Great-tailed
---On March 26 at Neenoshe Reservoir (only southern pool), Tony Leukering
reported lots of waterfowl and 70 Chestnut-collared Longspurs and 110
longspur species.
---On March 29 about 5 miles south of Eads on CR 40, Bill Kaempfer reported
5 Mountain Plovers.
---On March 27 on Creek B (road) Glenn Walbek reported 7 Chestnut-collared
Longspurs, 15 McCown’s Longspurs and Savannah Sparrow. The longspurs are
possibly nesting in this area.
---On March 30 near intersection of CR 12 and CR L, Glenn Walbek reported
44 Chestnut-collared Longspurs and 4 Great-tailed Grackles.
--- On March 26 at Horseshoe Reservoir, Nick Komar reported 8 Lesser
Black-backed Gulls (4 ad, 4 imm) and 1-st cyc Great Black-backed Gull.
---On March 25 at Wellington SWA Cobb Lake Unit, Andy Bankert and Mike
McCloy reported 2 Lincoln’s Sparrows and 23 Great-tailed Grackles.
---On March 29 on CR 3E, Bill Kaempfer reported 50 longspurs (McCown’s and
Chestnut-collared) and 1 Mountain Plover.
---On March 26 at Totten Reservoir, Jim Beatty reported ad Lesser
Black-backed Gull.
---On March 26 at CR 28, north of CR FF, Bill Kaempfer reported Lincoln’s
---On March 27 – 28 at Picketwire Canyon (Comanche National Grasslands),
Nathan Pieplow reported
Eastern Phoebe, Bewick’s Wren, Rufous-crowned Sparrow, and Ladder-backed
---On March 25 on Arkansas River Trail east of Pueblo Blvd, Brandon
Percival and Kara Carragher reported singing Carolina Wren.
---On March 28 at Pueblo Reservoir, Rock Canyon below dam, north of river,
Ben Sampson reported Black Phoebe and 2 Bewick’s Wrens.
---On March 25 at Monte Vista NWR, Brandon Percival and Kara Carragher
reported Mallard (Mexican intergrade).
---On March 22 on Yampa River Core Trail, Tresa Moulton reported 4
Slate-colored Fox Sparrows between the river and the Core Trail near
Emerald Park ball field.
---On March 28 at Stagecoach Reservoir near Oak Creek, Tom Litteral
reported imm Trumpeter Swan and 5 Barrow’s Goldeneyes.
---On March 25 at Russell Lakes SWA, Peter Burke and Kara Carragher
reported Savannah Sparrow.
---On March 14, Mlodinow reported an Eurasian Wigeon and Tundra Swan at
Stewart’s Pond (Private Property) at CR 37 and CR 46. On March 24 at
Stewart’s Pond, CSU Ornithologist Club, Cheri Phillips, Chery Teuton, and
Brandon Nooner reported Tundra Swan and Eurasian Wigeon. On March 25 at
Stewart’s Pond, the Tundra Swan was reported by Nick Komar, David Wade,
Austin Hess, Wendy Wibbens, Alison Hixon, Sue Riffe, and Steve Mlodinow.
On March 26, at Stewart’s Pond, Marie Hoerner reported Eurasian Wigeon;
Rebecca Grieser reported Tundra Swan; and Ryan Graves reported both Tundra
Swan and Eurasian Wigeon. On March 27, Mark Minner-Lee and Frank Farrell
reported Tundra Swan at Stewart’s Pond. On March 28, Mike McCloy reported
Tundra Swan at Stewart’s Pond. On March 30 at Stewart’s Pond, Sue Riffe,
Ivan Mota, and Phil Bartley reported Tundra Swan and 6 Great-tailed
---On March 26 at wetland on CR 46, Emil Yappert reported Tundra Swan.
---On March 26 at Lower Latham Reservoir, Cheri Phillips reported Lincoln’s
Sparrow and 6 Great-tailed Grackles.
---On March 26 at Union Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported Lesser
Black-backed Gull.
Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips
The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, April 1 will be to Denver City Park led by
Patrick O-Driscoll (patodrisk AT; 303-885-6955). Meet at 0730 at
parking strip SE of 22nd Ave just north of Ferril Lake. From Colorado
Blvd, turn west onto 22nd Ave and go past the Museum of Nature and
Science. Turn left just before the zoo at the sign to the Pavilion
Bandstand. Park on the left at the end of the parking area closest to
Ferril Lake. Will focus on observation and photography of nesting
cormorants, herons, and egrets in Ferril and Duck Lakes as part of DFO’s
Colonial Waterbird Nesting Project. Bring Spotting scope and camera if you
have them. Night-herons and egrest (Ferril Lake) may be building nests,
and cormorants (Duck Lake) will be into their nesting cycle. Bring water,
snacks, and sunscreen. Register online or contact leader.
The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, April 2 will be to South Platte Park led by
Gregg Goodrich (GreggGoodrich AT; 303-665-9135). Meet at 0800 at
south end of South Platte Park near C-470. From C-470 take Platte canyon
Rd/South Platte Park exit. From Platte canyon Rd at Depew Street turn
southeast onto the entrance road for South Platte Park. Contuse past a
90-degree left turn and the first parking lot, and meet in the second
parking lot.
Will walk up the south Platte for about two miles. Register online or
contact leader.
Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine
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