Dark morph Swainson's(?) Hawk, Park County

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Paula Hansley

Jul 11, 2022, 12:28:58 PM7/11/22
to CObirds

This dark hawk was in view just south of Como when Elena and I were watching the Ferruginous Hawk.  The white lores suggest that this is an adult dark morph Swainson's Hawk, a rare color morph.  Unfortunately, we did not get good views of the bird in flight as it flew away from us.

Any ideas are welcome!


Paula Hansley


Peter Ruprecht

Jul 11, 2022, 12:39:43 PM7/11/22
to Paula Hansley, CObirds
Paula, I think Swainson's is the only dark morph buteo that is normally in Colorado and that has such light undertail coverts.  So that also supports your initial ID.  Quite a good-looking bird!  (BTW, dark morph Swainson's are fairly common where I grew up in Idaho.)

Peter Ruprecht

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