Fountain Creek Christmas Bird Count results December 15th 2021

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Diana Beatty

Dec 19, 2021, 4:10:22 PM12/19/21
Fountain Creek CBC count week is over and it was a wild count day with a remarkable wind storm with gusts over 100mph (maybe "just" up to 70s in our area), sleet, graupel and more !  

We had two brand new count week species - Rusty Blackbird and Common Redpoll which were both reported at Fountain Creek Regional Park and well documented in eBird in the days after count day.  Before count day, we had count week reports with photos in eBird for Ross's Goose and Ross's x Cackling which each are only reported once before the count.

7 out of 9 areas had people doing some coverage on the windy count day, albeit in many cases with reduced "effort" in terms of time spent due to the conditions.  All areas were covered in the course of the count week.

Great birds for count day included Long-eared Owl at Fort Carson and American Dipper at Fountain Creek Regional Park - 2nd appearance for both on count. 

Thanks to all the amazing volunteers.
Bird SpeciesTotal
Cackling Goose270
Canada Goose1005
Snow Goose0
Ross Goose/Cackling hybridcw
Ross Goose.  cw
American Wigeon29
Northern Shoveler1
Northern Pintailcw
Green-winged Teal117
Blue-winged Tealcw?not sure of this report - no photos, and Scaup reported by someone else.  did not count because would be new
Wood Duck3
Ring-necked Duck4
Lesser Scaupcw 
aythya spcw
Common Goldeneye1
Hooded Merganser8
Common Merganser6
dabbling duck sp.0
     Duck sp. (unknown or domestic)40some of these are dabbling, just not reported that way.
Scaled Quail0
Wild Turkey5
Pied-billed Grebe6
Great Blue Heron12
Golden Eagle1
Northern Harrier6
Sharp-shinned Hawk0
Cooper's Hawkcw
Bald Eagle2
Red-tailed Hawk24
Rough-legged Hawkcw
Ferruginous Hawk1
     Buteo sp.5
Virginia Rail3
American Coot7
Wilson's Snipe1
Ring-billed Gull1149
California Gull0
Herring Gull0
Iceland Gull (Thayer's)1
Lesser Black-backed Gull1
Rock Pigeon137
larus sp0
gull sp.82
Eurasian Collared-Dove85
White-winged Dovecw
dove sp.0
Western Screech Owl0
Great Horned Owl8
Barn Owl1pretty uncommon
Long-eared Owl12nd time on count
owl sp.1
Belted Kingfisher4
Ladder-backed Woodpecker0
Lewis's Woodpecker2
Red-headed Woodpecker0
Downy Woodpecker5
Hairy Woodpecker2
Northern Flicker33
American Kestrel3
Prairie Falcon1
falcon sp0
Say's Phoebe0
Loggerhead Shrike0
Northern Shrike1
Loggerhead/Northern Shrike sp.0
Blue Jay9
Woodhouse's Scrub Jay0
Steller's Jay0
Black-billed Magpie29
American Crow22
Chihuahuan Raven0
Common Raven33
Raven sp1
Horned Lark34
Black-capped Chickadee46
Mountain Chickadeecw
White-breasted Nuthatch8
Brown Creeper1
Winter Wren0
Marsh Wrencw
Bewick's Wren0
House Wren0
Ruby-crowned Kingletcw
Western Bluebirdcw
Eastern Bluebirdcw
Mountain Bluebird8
Townsend's Solitairecw
American Robin15
thrush sp.0
Northern Mockingbirdcw
Curve-billed Thrasher0
American Dipper12nd time on count
Gray Catbird0
European Starling209
American Pipitcw
Yellow-rumped Warbler0
American Tree Sparrow31
Dark-eyed Junco66
White-crowned Sparrow37
White-throated Sparrow0
Song Sparrow14
Lincoln Sparrow0
Swamp Sparrow0
sparrow sp.10
Spotted Towhee22
Canyon Towhee0
Red-winged Blackbird406
Western Meadowlark2
Brown-headed Cowbird0
Great-tailed Grackle0
Brewer's Blackbird2
Common Grackle3
Grackle sp.0
Rusty Blackbird (new)cw
House Finch76
Cassin's Finch0
Common Redpoll (new)cw
Pine Siskincw
American Goldfinch11
Lesser Goldfinch0
spinus sp.0
Lapland Longspur2
Common Yellowthroat0
House Sparrow137
passerine sp.11
Count AreaTotal
Total Number of Birds4793about 60% of last year
Total Number of Species65and 20 cw +1cw hybrid  (last year we were in the low 90s)last year we had 90 and 2 cw
Number of Observers18and 13 cw (comparable to last year when considering just the total vs. day of)last year 30  so about the same over the week, just not all on that day.
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