CFO Birding Skills Workshop - Identifying Flycatchers in Colorado with David Tønnessen, May 30 7 p.m.

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Diana Beatty

May 20, 2021, 12:24:57 PM5/20/21

Identifying Flycatchers in Colorado
With David Tønnessen

Sunday May 30, 7 p.m. via Zoom

Colorado Field Ornithologists Birding Skills Workshop Series

David will explore the species of Flycatchers in Colorado,  when and where to find them, and share his best tips and tricks for identifying them in the field. 

Bio: A birder since childhood, David studies Evolutionary Biology and plans to pursue doctoral research with birds. From the moment he first encountered the genus Empidonax in his field guide, David was hooked on a quest to find out how to identify these mysteriously similar species through research and field study. Other corners of ornithology that fascinate him include the subtleties of subspecies identification and studying bird vocalizations.

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Diana Beatty

on behalf of CFO Board

El Paso County

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