Ovenbird Annual Count - WSOS - Jeffco

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Mike Henwood

не прочитано,
30 мая 2015 г., 16:19:1330.05.2015
– cob...@googlegroups.com, michael kiessig, Chuck Aid, Robert Raker, Lisa Kluesner, Audrey
On May 28 & 29, 2015, along with Michael Kiessig, Robert Raker, & Chuck Aid, I conducted the Annual Ovenbird Count in Willow Springs Open Space (WSOS), which is private open space restricted to Willow Springs residents.  I have conducted this count annually in the last few days of May or the first few days of June since 2008.  We walk the same  pre-determined route each morning between 6 and 11 am. and record the singing Ovenbirds along the route.  We have pre-determined points where we stop and listen for 5 minutes.  We do a different route each day. 

As has been noted by David Suddjian in his Post on 7-12-14 regarding Ovenbirds at the Ken Caryl Ranch Open Space (also private and restricted to residents), and my article on Ovenbirds at Willow Springs in the Oct., 2009, CFO Journal, Ovenbirds in the area from Hwy 285 to Deer Creek Canyon area along the Front Range are fairly common in the appropriate habitat.  They are found at elevations ranging from 6500- 7400 feet along drainages that flow east from the first main ridge of the Front Range. Some years the drainages are dry by June, but this year they are running full. Good thick understory seems to be the prime component of the habitat,  Forests on north facing slopes are mixed conifer with some combination of Douglas-fir, Ponderosa Pine, and aspen, while south facing slopes are typically Ponderosa Pine woodlands with Gambel Oak understory. 

This year our numbers were down with 28 singing Ovenbirds recorded compared to 33 last year.  Records for previous years:
2008 - 2011  23 singing Ovenbirds were the high recorded.
2012 - 24 singing Ovenbirds
2013 - 32 
2014 - 33
2015 - 28 singing Ovenbirds.

Other notes:
Michael Kiessig has 3 singing Ovenbirds on his property (off S. Deer Creek Road) this year, the same as last year.

We cleaned out some nest boxes in a meadow above Weaver Gulch Thursday on our way out, and Friday there were 3 Tree Swallows flying around in the area investigating the boxes.  

Mike Henwood 
Willow Springs (3 miles south of Red Rocks)
Jefferson County
presently residing in Grand Junction, Mesa county

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