Special birding adventures next August. Mark your calendars!

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Joe Roller

Dec 26, 2013, 1:25:13 PM12/26/13
to Colorado Birds
Two special things will occur in August, 2014. One will not occur again for the next 823 years. The other one will NEVER occur again!

Preposterous?        Not.

First, think "Silver Pockets Full."
I have it on the best authority that "Silver Pockets Full" is a Chinese phrase describing a month 
in which there are:

FOUR Fridays
FOUR Saturdays and
FOUR Sundays.

This will not happen again for 823 years! (Mark your calendar for when it comes back around).

What does that mean for birding? FOUR full weekends to go birding, as in, "But Honey, we can't go visit your folks again this August. It's Silver Pockets Full, and I need to work on my Silver Pockets Bird List.  (Let me know how that works out for you).

AND there's more!

Mark your calendar with the dates, August 28 through 31, 2014, as those dates are the ONLY ones during which the Colorado Field Ornithologists will be hosting it's 2014 CFO Convention in Sterling, Colorado. Think field trips, comradeship, shorebirds, early migrants and what promises to be the Banquet of a life-time with the equally renowned, Jon Dunn, as our speaker. Not to mention your chance to wave good-bye to August with your "Silver Pockets Full!"

See you there.
Joe Roller, Denver

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