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Steven Mlodinow

May 29, 2014, 11:23:13 PM5/29/14
Excuse me. Please, give that holier-than-thou bit a break folks. 
Eastern Wood-Pewees are not rare birds, but a common species in North America. Rare in Colorado, and also likely a migrant, hardly disturbed by a couple plays of a recording.

Cathy wasn't some idiot chaser trying to lure a bird in for a tick (as many were doing with the already-obvious Painted Redstart earlier this spring, to get that killer photo), but she was trying to identify this thing. After it called, she did not pester it with persistent playback to get that "smashing photo." She was able to photograph it using skill. 

Nor was she playing tapes at a Spotted Owl.

Try applying a tad of common sense, please, and look at the spirit of the rules. When there's a rare bird present, don't torture it. Don't use playback on scarce breeders, as this might effect the population. 

If Cathy hadn't sparingly used playback, no one would've known that there was an Eastern WP at Crow today. I think that is reason enough for her judicious use of playback. Something called scientific curiosity. 

And I might add that I suspect that some of those spouting ABA ethics have probably played a Black Rail tape or two in their time.

Steven Mlodinow
Longmont, CO

Joe Roller

May 30, 2014, 4:12:17 PM5/30/14
to Colorado Birds
I am covering for Dodd Deininger this week as moderator of CObirds, while Todd is away
and taking a well-deserved break from moderating.

Thanks for everyone's input on the subject of tape playback.
I am closing this discussion.

Joe Roller, Denver

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Steven Mlodinow <> wrote:
Sorry, but as evidenced by Cathy's apology, the implication was that she had been a bad girl. If the intent was to say otherwise, then a bit more explanation would've been nice

Sent from my iPhone

On May 29, 2014, at 9:45 PM, Dick Filby <> wrote:

Hi Steve,


Apart perhaps from Gary’s insinuation by asking the question, seeing as the only two replies were mine and Joe’s....


I certainly hoped that my contribution had no chance of being seen by anyone as in the slightest critical of Cathy, never-mind holier-than-thou, and reading Joe’s again, I think it would be hard to construe any jot of criticism implied there either.  My intent, which I had hoped was abundantly clear, was to put a stop-before-it-started to the almost inevitable endless spouting of non-original ‘comment’ that such topics generate until the moderator jumps in. Cobirds generally isn’t bad for that, but some other lists that I follow have been dire this spring.. to the extent of making it hard to spot news of bird sightings.. 


On a personal note – I agree wholeheartedly with your position. It is 100% mine too!   I still really hope that this doesn’t degenerate into a lengthy, and IMO, unnecessary, cobirds debate.


I’ve copied Joe in, so as to perhaps head that off at the pass (as we say in the UK)


best supportive wishes



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