Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 17 July 2015

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Joyce Takamine

Jul 17, 2015, 6:29:59 AM7/17/15
to Joyce Takamine, cobirds
Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date: July 17, 2015
E-mail: rba AT
This is the Rare Bird Alert, Friday, July 17 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
Upland Sandpiper (Weld)
Caspian Tern (Weld)
Black Swift (Boulder, Larimer, Ouray)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Denver, Jefferson)
Acorn Woodpecker (La Plata)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Grand)
Least Flycatcher (Douglas/Jefferson, Jefferson, Mesa)
Gray Flycatcher (Garfield)
Black Phoebe (*Jefferson, Mesa)
Eastern Phoebe (Douglas/Jefferson, Jefferson)
Purple Martin (Montrose)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Weld)
LUCY'S WARBLER (Montezuma)
Magnolia Warbler (Washington)
McCown's Longspur (Weld)
Fox Sparrow (Boulder, Larimer)
Hepatic Tanager (Las Animas)
Baltimore Oriole (El Paso)

--On July 10, Duane Nelson reported an adult ROYAL TERN on "Plover Island" on north shore of John Martin Reservoir.

--A probable PACIFIC WREN was reported by Andy Bankert at Calypso Cascades on July 3 on downstream side of trail between the single and double bridge.  On July 7, Bill Rowe reported PACIFIC WREN at Ouzel Falls in Rocky Mountain National Park.  On July 9, Kathy Mihm Dunning reported a singing PACIFIC WREN in Wild Basin section of Rocky Mountain National Park.  It was 1.9 miles up the trail towards Ouzel Falls just before Calypso Cascades.  She warns that the trail is rough in spots and parking is very limited.  On July 10, Alec Hopping reported PACIFIC WREN in Wild Basin section of Rocky Mountain National Park.
--2 Black Swifts were reported by Andy Bankert towards Wild Basin Ranger Station from Calypso Cascades on July 3.  On July 11, Bill Kaempfer reported Black Swift on nest at Ouzel Falls in Wild Basin section of Rocky Mountain National Park.
--2 Fox Sparrows was reported by David McQuade at Brainard Lake on July 5.  On July 11, Adam Vesely reported Fox Sparrow at Brainard Lake.

--A Red-headed Woodpecker was reported by Kenton Gomezat E 99th Ave betwen E-470 and Gun Club Road in a partially flooded field near the road on July 10.

--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by David Suddjian near Kingfisher Bridge on July 6.  On July 8, Gwen Moore reported Eastern Phoebe at Chatfield downstream of Kingfisher Bridge.
--The area of the Platte near Kingfisher Bridge had Least Flycatchers on July 6 as reported by David Suddjian.

--A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Alan Versaw at Ramah Reservoir SWA on July 4.

--A Gray Flycatcher was reported by Tom McConnell at Rifle Gap SP on July 11.

--On July 4, Bill Rowe reported 5 American Three-toed Woodpeckers on the Colorado River Trail between the trailhead and Lulu City site in Rocky Mountain National Park.
--On July 4 at Chatfield SP along the South Platte River downstream from Audubon Center, David Suddjian reported Least Flycatcher.
--On July 5 in the Hayman Burn Area, Tom Halverstadt reported 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers.
--On July 12, 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers were reported by Gareth Jessop and Elimaris Gonzalez on Stoney Pass Rd.  
--On July 14 Scott Somershoe reported Black and Eastern Phoebe at Waterton Canyon.  On July 15, Doug Kibbe and Frank Farrell reported Black and Eastern Phoebes in Lower Waterton Canyon.  On July 16, Gwen Moore reported Black Phoebe in Lower Waterton Canyon.
--On July 15, Michel Kiessig reported Eastern Phoebe at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield.

--10 Acorn Woodpeckers were reported by Gary Brower on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision on June 18.  On June 26, Aaron Keller reported 2 Acorn Woodpeckers on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision.  On July 7, 1 Acorn Woodpecker was reported by Jason St. Pierre on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision.  
--A probable 2nd year male MAGNIFICIENT HUMMINGBIRD has been visiting the residence of Jane Pederson in Durango.  If you would like to try to see it, contact Jane at janelcsw AT  

--On July 7, David and Tammy McQuade reported Fox Sparrow in Hidden Valley in Rocky Mountain National Park.
--On July 12, David Bray reported 5 Black Swifts passing through Bobcat Ridge.

--A male ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD was reported by Paul Tennery coming to his feeder outside of Trinidad on June 24.  He is willing to let
birders try to see it, but you must be accompanied by Paul or his wife since access to his property is surrounded by private property and is down a private road.  His place is on Widow Woman Canyon near Valdez.  To contact him call 719-859-2600 or ptennery AT  He warns
that phone and email do not always work.  On June 25, John Drummond reported excellent views of the ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at the Tennery residence.  On June 26, Alec Hopping reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence. On June 27, David Chartier and Thomas Heinrich reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence and Paul Tennery reported that the hummingbird sticks around all day.  On June 28, Polly Wren Neldner reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence.  On July 1, Norm Erthal reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence.  On July 2, Steve Brown reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence.  On July 5, Gary Witt reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery Residence.  On July 8, Robert Shade reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery Residence.  On July 11, Richard Taylor reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery Residence.  On July 14, Paul Tennery reported that the ANNA's HUMMINGBIRD was NOT seen.  Contact Paul at ptennery AT for directions. 
--Hepatic Tanagers were reported by David Chartier and Thomas Heinrich on Hwy 12 about .5 from Mile Marker 65 on June 27.  On July 2, Steve Brown reported a m Hepatic tanager about 0.8 mi W of Mile Mark 65 on Hwy 12.  On July 5, Garry Witt reported Hepatic Tanager on Hwy 12.  On July 8, Robert Shade reported a pair of Hepatic Tanagers between MM 64 and 65 on Hwy 12.

--A Least Flycatcher was reported by Nic Korte N of Collbran on June 27.  On July 1, 2 Least Flycatchers were reported by Ronda Woodward on P E Road near Collbran.  On July 5, a Least Flycatcher was reported by Denise and Mark Vollmar near Collbran.
--A Black Phoebe was reported by Brett Walker at West Lake SWA on July 6.  It was on the N end of the pond.

--A LUCY'S WARBLER was reported by Steve Larson at Mc Elmo Creek W of Cortez along CR J on July 13.

--On July 8, Coen Dexter reported Purple Martins flying around Nucla hawking insects.
--On July 8, Coen Dexter reported LESSER NIGHTHAWKS by the Nucla sewer ponds.

--2 Black Swift on nest were reported by Bill Kaempfer at Box Canyon Park in Ouray on July 4.

--A Magnolia Warbler was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Prewitt Reservoir on July 15.

--Chestnut-collared Longspsurs were reported by Amber Carver on CR 114 east of intersection with CR 45 on July 5.  They were walking in the road.  Dave Leatherman reported the Chestnut-collared Longspurs on the road on CR 114 just east of CR45 on July 7.
--A Caspian Tern was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Firestone Gravel Pits on July 6.  On July 14, Bill Kaempfer reported 3 Caspian Terns at Firestone Gravel Pits.  On July 15, Steve Mlodinow reported 3 Caspian Terns at Firestore Gravel Pits.
--On July 7 on CR 49 halfway between CR 122 and CR 114, Dave Leatherman reported a few pairs of Chestnut-collared Longspurs and Upland Sandpiper on the east side of CR 49.  Leatherman reported another pair of Chestnut-collared Longspurs east of CR 49 .8 miles S of CR 114 on July 7.  Leatherman heard a Chestnut-collared Longspur on the S side of CR 122 about 2 miles W of CR 49.  
--Dave Leatherman reported a number of McCown's Longspurs on CR 49 between CR 122 and CR 114 on July 7.


The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, July 18 will be to Genessee Park led by Chris Rurik (chrisrurik ATgmail.com253-255-7104)  Meet at the Stegosaurus parking lot just south of I-70, exit 259 at 0730. Drive under the freeway to the second left turn.  The parking lot is at the base of the Hogback, near the Hawk Watch location.  
  Relaxed pace, unpacved trails, restrooms available.  Bring binoculars, plenty of water, and dress for the weather.  Register online or contact leader to register.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, July 19 will be to Golden Gate Canyon State Park led by Jill Boice (jill AT booksandcats.net303-863-7580).  Meet the leader at Golden Gate Canyon SP Visitor Center at 0800.  State parks pass or day pass required.  Guest leader:  Randy Lentz
    Directions:  From Golden, take Hwy 93 north about a mile and halft to Golden Gate Canyon RD.  Turn left and continue for 13 miles to Crawford Gulch Road.  Turn Right and travel 200 yards to park entrance and visitor center.  Try to carpool as parking can be limited.  Dress for weather.  Brings snacks, lunch, and insect replellent.  Birding after lunch optional, based on weather.  Register online or contact leader to register.  

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, July 19 will be to Riverside Cemetery/Platte River led by Kevin Corwin (kevygrudguy AT aol.com720-482-8454)
Meet the leader at 0800 at the cemetery park office.  
   Directions:  Entrance to Riverside is at 5201 Brighton Blvd in Denver.  Gate open at 0800.  If you arrive before the gate is unlocke, do not park on or near the railroad crossing at the cemetery entrance,  Will wander paths of cemetery and exit the back gate to the river.  Bring water, sncks and footwear for dirt or mud paths.  Scopes optional.  Register online or contact leader to register.
Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine
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