Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 8 July 2017

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Joyce Takamine

Jul 8, 2017, 6:20:11 AM7/8/17
to Joyce Takamine, cobirds
Compiler:             Joyce Takamine
e-mail:                 RBA AT
Date:                    July 8, 2017

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Saturday, July 7\8 sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families has changes.

Cackling Goose (Saguache)
Trumpeter Swan (Archuleta)
Wood Duck (Kiowa)
Bufflehead (Weld)
Barrow’s Goldeneye (Chaffee)
Chukar (Moffat)
Gunnison Sage-Grouse (*Gunnison)
White-tailed Ptarmigan (Boulder)
Dusky Grouse (Moffat)
Greater Roadrunner (Las Animas)
Black Swift (Boulder)
Sandhill Crane (Delta, Garfield,  Moffat)
Long-billed Curlew (Kiowa)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (Jackson)
Solitary Sandpiper (Douglas)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Weld)
Common Loon (Delta, Ouray)
Mississippi Kite (El Paso, Las Animas)
Lewis’s Woodpecker (Jefferson)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Adams, Jefferson, Kiowa, Las Animas)
Acorn Woodpecker  (*La Plata)
Williamson’s Sapsucker  (Boulder, Jefferson, Larimer, Moffat, Pueblo, Teller)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Custer, Gunnison, Moffat)
Least Flycatcher (Mesa)
Black Phoebe (Boulder)
Eastern Phoebe (*Jefferson, Larimer)
Cassin’s Kingbird (El Paso)
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Baca, Rio Grande)
Bell’s Vireo (Pueblo)
Purple Martin (Las Animas)
Curve-billed Thrasher (*El Paso)
Northern Mockingbird (Ouray)
White-winged Crossbill (Moffat, Summit)
McCown’s Longspur (Larimer)
Grace’s Warbler (Mesa)
Fox Sparrow (Boulder, Custer, Larimer, San Juan)
Summer Tanager (Las Animas, Montezuma)
Indigo Bunting (Kiowa)
Painted Bunting (Baca)
Dickcissel (Alamosa, Boulder, Conejos, Costilla, *Douglas, El Paso, Larimer, Rio Grande, Saguache)
Bobolink (Larimer)
Orchard Oriole (Broomfield)

---A WHITE IBIS was reported by Zachary Schiff on June 18 at Lowell Ponds (North side of I-76).  On June 25, the WHITE IBIS was reported by Ira Sanders, Hillary White, and John Malenich at Lowell Ponds (Clear Creek Valley Park).   On June 28 Carl Lundblad reported that the WHITE IBIS continues at Lowell Ponds (Clear Creek Valley Park) on the SE pond.  On June 29 Eric Zawatski and Meg Reck reported WHITE IBIS at Lowell Ponds (Clear Creek Valley Park).  On June 30, Glenn Walbek reported WHITE IBIS at Lowell Ponds (Clear Creek Valley Park).  On July 1 at Lowell Ponds (Clear Creek Valley Park), Joey Kellner, Tim Smart, and Ben Sampson reported WHITE IBIS.  On July 2, at Lowell Ponds (Clear Creek  Valley Park), Alison Hixson and Larry Modesitt reported WHITE IBIS.  On July 4, at Lowell Ponds SWA (across I-76 From Clear Creek Valley Park), the WHITE IBIS was reported by Brian Tavernia, Cheryl Teuton, Dan Brook, and Jean Olson.

---On July 3 on CO 370 .75 miles east of Rio Grande County, Dave Hawksworth reported 5 Dickcissels.

---On July 3, a Trumpeter Swan was reported by Jan Allen at Pinon Lake Reservoir.

---On June 24 at Picture Canyon, Wayne Heideman reported 2 Northern Bobwhite, 5 Chichuahuan Raven, Curve-billed Thrasher, and 2 Painted  Bunting.  On June 29 at Picture Canyon, Glenn Walbek reported Northern Bobwhite, 2 Greater Roadrunners, 2 Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 3 Canyon Towhee, 2 Painted Bunting.  On July 4 at Picture Canyon, Brandon Nooner reported m Painted Bunting.
---On July 4 a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported by Brandon Nooner on CR J between Picture Canyon and Campo.

---On June 30 on road to Wild Basin, Peter Gent reported Williamson Sapsucker.
---On June 30 at Ouzel Falls in Wild Basin, Rocky Mountain NP, Peter Gent reported Black Swift on nest in usual spot.  
---On July 3 at 75th and Boulder Creek, Bill Rowe reported Black Phoebe.
---On July 4 a Dickcissell was reported by Michell Puplava at Teller Farm.  On July 5 at Teller Farm N after irrigation bridge along irrigation canal, Mary and Dave Driscoll reported 3 Dickcissel (2m, 1 f).
---On July 6 at Arapaho Pass, Dave Hallock reported White-tailed Ptarmigan and 2 Fox Sparrow.

---On July 1 at 2850 Big Dry Creek Dr, Eric Zorawowicz reported ad m Orchard Oriole.  This would be a new county record if accepted.

---On June 30 at Sands Lake SWA, Patricia Henschen reported Barrow’s Goldeneye.  On July 1 at Sands Lake SWA, Nick Komar and Sharon Forsyth reported 3 Barrow’s Goldeneyes (1 subadult male on shore of island, 2 f sleeping on water).  On July 2 at Sands Lake SWA, Glenn Gade reported 2 Barrow’s Goldeneye (1 ad m, 1 subadult m).  On July 4 at Sands Lake SWA, a m Barrow’s Goldeneye was reported by Christain Hagenlocher, David and Tammy McQuade.

---On June 30 on Hwy 15 about 1.75 miles west of US 285, Dave Hawksworth reported 5 singing Dickcissels.

---On July 5 at CR 18 and CR F, Kathy Mihm Dunning reported 11 Dickcissel.
---On July 6 on CR 12 N of Smith Reservoir, John Rawinski reported 2 Dickcissel.

---On July 4 at Macey Lakes, David Dowell reported American Three-toed Woodpecker and Fox Sparrow.

---On July 2 at Paonia River Park, Dave Hawksworth reported  a Common Loon in pond behind (NE) of gravel company that is adjacent to the parking lot.   There is a 6 ft high fence between the pond and parking lot so you might want to bring something to stand on.
---On July 3 at Hubbark Park N of Paonia, Dennis Garrison reported Sandhill Crane in south end of park.

---On June 30 at Greenland Open Space, Gloria Nikolai reported Dickcissell.
---On July 1 at Parker Regional Park (aka Salisbury Equestrian Park), Christine Alexander reported Solitary Sandpiper.  On July 3, Time Ryan reported Solitary Sandpiper at Parker Regional Park (aka Salisbury Equestrian Park).  
---On July 7 on S Andrews Road, John Drumond reported 7 Dickcissel.

---On June 26 at Bear Creek Park East, Jim Nelson reported 5 singing m Dickcissels.  On June 29, Linda Hodges reported 4 singing Dickcissels south of community garden at Bear Creek Park.  On July 2, David Chartier reported 2 Dickcissels south of community garden at Bear Creek Park.
---On July 1 at 23 Otowi Dr, Fountain, Brandon Nooner reported a pair of nesting Mississippi Kites.  On July 3, 2 Mississippi Kites were reported by Rod Schmidt on Otowi Dr in Fountain.  On July 4, Joy and Leonard Lake reported Mississippi Kite on Otowi Dr.  
---On July 2 at Ramah Reservoir SWA, Diane Roberts reported Red-headed Woodpecker, 2 Cassin’s Kingbirds, and 5 Dickcissels.
---On July 4 at Fountain Creek Regional Trail, Tanja Britton reported Mississippi Kite.
---On July 7 on Hanover Orad W of S Meridian Rd, David and Tammy McQuade reported Curve-billed Thrasher.

---On July 4 at Spring Valley, Tom McConnell reported Sandhill Crane.

---On July 7 on Hwy 149 between Blue Mesa Cutoff (CR 26) and Sappinero Mesa (CR 25), Gary Koehn reported Gunnison Sage-Grouse.  Koehn also reported 7 more Gunnison-Sage Grouse on Sappinero Mesa Road about mile 7.

---On July 5 at 18 Island Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported Semipalmated Sandpiper.

---On July 2 at Stony Pass Road at Wigwam Creek, Frank Farrell and Gwen Moore reported Red-headed Woodpecker and 7 Lewis’s Woodpeckers.
---On July 4 at Stanton SP Brian Johnson reported 6 Williamson’s Sapsuckers.
---On July 7 at Deer Creek near South Valley Park southern parking lot, David Suddjian reported Eastern Phoebe upstream side of bridge.
---On July 7 at Deer Creek at W Buckhorn Rd, David Suddjian reported Eastern Phoebe.

---On July 4 at Neenoshe Reservoir, Brandon Nooner reported Indigo Bunting.
---On July 6 at Neenoshe Reservoir, Steve Sisa reported Wood Duck, 3 Long-billed Curlew in fields on CR E and Red-headed Woodpecker.

---On July 2 an Acorn Woodpecker was reported by Bill Scott at 37.2556, -107.955 outside of Durango.
---On July 7 at Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision, Susan Allerton repored 3 Acorn Woodpeckers.

--- On July 3 at Soapstone Prairie NA, Scott Somershoe reported 7 McCown’s Longspurs and BAIRD’S SPARROW.  On July 6 at Soapstone Prairie NA, Amber Carver reported 2 BAIRD’S SPARROWS>
---On June 29, along fence of Reservoir Ridge Trail from Overland Drive, Libby Edwards reported 7 Bobolinks and a pair of Dickcissels.  On June 30 at Reservoir Ridge NA along the first mile, Dave Leatherman reported 3-4 Bobolinks and 5+ Dickcissels.  On July 2 at Reservoir Ridge NA, Gary Lefko reported 4 Dickcissels.
---On July 2 at Red Feather Lakes, Dale and Joel Adams reported 4 Williamson’s Sapsucker (1m, 1f, 2 juv).
---On July 3 at Oxbow NA, Christine Sparks reported 2 Eastern Phoebe flycatching along the river.  On July 4 at Oxbow NA, Christine and Richard Sparks reported Eastern Phoebe.

---On July 1 a pair of Purple Martins were reported by Jim and Irene Thompson 6/20 mile west of junction of Road 41.7 and 42.0 towards Jarosa Canyon.
---On June 2 at Cottonwood Canyon CG, Wayne Heideman reported Mississippi Kite, Greater Roadrunner, 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers, and 3 Summer Tanagers (2m, 1f).

---On July 2 in Collbran, PE Road, Deb Stegall, Rodene Harwood, and Ronda Woodward reported Least Flycatcher.  On July 6 in Collbran Job Corps area – PE Road, Nic Korte reported Least Flycatcher.
---On July 5 on Divide Rd, Thimble Point, FR #427, Mike Henwood and Brenda Sabo reported 4 Grace’s Warblers.

---On July 3 at Black Mountain, Steve Mlodinow reported Dusky Grouse, Sandhill Crane, 4 Williamson’s Sapsuckers, 10 American Three-toed Woodpeckers, and White-winged Crossbill.
---On July 4 at Browns Park NWR Swinging Bridge Area, Steve Mlodiow reported Chukar.

---On July 3 on Red Mountain Pass at 11000 ft, Kent Nelson reported Northern Mockingbird.

---On July 6 at Valco Ponds SWA in Pueblo, David Tonnessen reported Eastern Phoebe and Bell’s Vireo.

---On June 30 a singing Dickcissell was reported by Dave Hawksworth behind Monte Electric on W side of US 285 about mile N of US 160.
---On July 1 a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported by Virginia Simmons in a dry hayfield on Lariat Road west of Monte Vista.

---On July 2 at Russell Lakes SWA, Amber Carver reported 4 Cackling Geese.
---On July 3 on CR 49 N of CR E, Dave Hawksworth reported 3 Dickcissels.

---On July 4 on west side of Hoosier Pass, Jacob Socolar reported White-winged Crossbill.

---On July 1 at Florissant Fossil Beds NM, Deborah Barnes and Tanja Britton reported 3 Williamson’s Sapsuckers.

---On July 2 at Beebe Draw, Gene Rutherford reported a f Bufflehead.
---On July 3 at Windsor Lake, Scott Somershoe reported 2 imm Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips
The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, July 8 will be to Mt. Falcon Park led by Jon Breitsch (jbreitsch AT; 303-588-0552).  Meet at 0700 at upper parking lot of west side of Mount Flacon Park.  From C-470 and US 285 South, turn right at the Indian Hills exit to Parmalee Gulch Road.  Follow Parmalee Gulch Road for approximately 2.6 miles to Picturis Road, turn right at Picutis, then follow sings for Mt. Falcon to the upper parking area.  Bring hat, sunscreen, bug spring, lots of water, snacks, binoculars, Scope (optional).  There is an early starting time of 0500 for anyone that doesn’t want to sleep in.  Will do a quick loop around as it gets light and then we get to do it all again when the rest of the group arrives.  Register online or contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, July 9 will be to Cherry Creek SP Wetlands Loop led by Karen Von Saltza (kvonsaltza AT; 303-941-4881)  Meet at 0800 at Prairie Loop lot in Cherry Creek Sp.  From either park entrance, follow Lake View Rd to the Prairie Loop that is located at the south rim of the reservoir.  State Parks pass required.  
     This is a half day of walking that passes through most of the important habitats found in the park over a distance of about 3 miles.  Trails could be slippery or muddy, so dress accordingly.  Bring water and snacks; lunch is optional.  Beginning birders are welcome.  Register online or contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Monday, July 10 will be to Rocky Mountain NP led by Mary Cay Burger and Candice Johnson (mcburger3 AT; 720-940-8394).  Meet at 0730 at the RMNP visitor Center parking lot east of the RMNP Beaver Meadows entrance station on US 36.
    This is a MONDAY trip.  This will be a ¾ to all-day trip to Rocky Mountain NP, depending on the weather and birds.  Will consolidate cars at Visitor’s Center.  Either you need a National Parks pass or plan to ride with someone who does.  Bring lunch and clothes for changeable weather.  Register online or contact leader.  

For more information on the field trips go to

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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