Boulder & Lagerman reservoirs, Boulder Co., Sept. 22

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Ted Floyd

Sep 22, 2022, 9:26:36 PM9/22/22
to Colorado Birds
Hey, all.

With Claire Wayner, Ronan Nicholson, and Hannah Floyd, I had a nice time eBirding and iNatting Boulder and Lagerman reservoirs, Boulder Co., this misty and drizzly morning, Thurs., Sept. 22, 2022.

Boulder Rez had: 1 or 2 black-bellied plovers; 1 Forster tern; 1 Sterna sp.; lingering snowy and great egrets; an early ferruginous hawk and a peregrine falcon; 2 tardy western wood-pewees; and 2 clay-colored sparrows. Cool non-avians included recently emerged pleated inkcaps, Parasola plicatilis, all over the place; an American black bear, Ursus americanus, galloping across the mudflats near the north entrance to The Rez; and a marvelous wetland giant wolf spider, Tigrosa helluo, transporting young on its opisthosoma.

Lagerman was loaded. We had to cut it short, but not without first seeing: an early horned grebe amid the numerous eared grebes; stilt, Baird, and pectoral sandpipers; long-billed dowitchers; Wilson and red-necked phalaropes; greater yellowlegses; 2-3 Sabine gulls (1-2 first-years and a splendid adult); 1 Cassin kingbird; and 400+ barn swallows. Amazing, filter-tripping numbers of ducks--at least a dozen species.

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder Co. 

b01 celebratory Kombucha.jpg
L-r: Hannah, Ronan, Ted, & Claire celebrate after seeing multiple Sabine gulls at Lagerman Reservoir. A lifer for everybody in the group ≤ age 50. Kombucha official national beverage of the PRB. Malt vinegar (?!) ≡ whatever floats your boat, we're not judgy in BoCo.
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