Where the Grace's warblers are, Montrose County

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Ted Floyd

Jul 15, 2022, 11:34:39 PM7/15/22
to Colorado Birds
Hey, all.

Yesterday, Thurs., July 14, Bastille Day, Hannah Floyd and I were out in the Uncompahgre National Forest of far south-central Montrose Co. because...well, why not. In one small stretch of the forest, we saw at least 8 Grace's warblers--and probably more than that. And if you find yourself in the Uncompahgre of Montrose Co. (because, well, why not) in the next couple of weeks, here's how you, too, can see these hyperactive birdlets. In a nutshell, park your car, bike, or solar-powered hoverboard precisely here:

GrWa 01.jpg

Then get out of, or off, your vehicle, and look around. We saw all 8+ of the birds within the equilateral triangle formed by HH46 Rd., HH47 Rd., and Sanborn Park Rd. Here:

GrWa 02.png

All of the warblers were in the tippy tops of the tallest pondos, and they were constantly on the move. They made even the pygmy nuthatches seem as inert as day-roosting nightjars. Anyhow, way up in the canopy of woods like this:

GrWa 03a.jpg

One other thing. Did you know that fledgling Dusky Grouse warble like Eastern Screech-Owls? I sure didn't. But here's video of one doing it near Telluride, San Miguel Co., back on Tues., July 12.

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder Co.
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