Chatfield SP (Douglas/JeffCo), Ken Caryl Valley (JeffCo)

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David Suddjian

Sep 22, 2014, 10:51:13 PM9/22/14
to Colorado Birds
I made two visits to Chatfield SP this morning, dodging rain in the mid-section of the a.m. 

I was at the Marina sandspit just after sunrise (Douglas). There were two Red Phalaropes - one in the marina itself, and the other just off the end of the spit. Also 1 Sabine's Gull, 2 Common Terns and 1 Forster's, 3 Snowy Egrets, 2 Clark's Grebes among the Westerns, and a nice cross section of ducks that included Cinnamon, Blue-winged and Green-winged Teal, a flock of 36 Nor. Pintails flying over, Am. Wigeon, Ruddy Ducks, and a few others. 

The Old Heronry overlook (Douglas) had a bunch of landbird action on the slope above the water and a nearby draw, including an Eastern Phoebe, MacGillivray's Warbler, 2 lutescens Orange-crowned Warblers with some of the gray-headed OCs, Townsend's Solitaire, 2 Western Tanagers, and lots more. The lake had 4 Ring-necked Ducks and an Osprey.

I walked the paths in the uplands east of the Platte upstream of Kingfisher (Douglas), heading especially for the pine/cypress stand I visited the other day. The area was still very birdy with my 1st Merlin of the season, my first Northern Harrier in the area since winter, lots of sparrows (21 Lincoln's, 75+ White-crowned, 1 Lark, and more), 3 Sage Thrashers, 1 adult male Red-naped Sapsucker (uncommon post-breeding visitor at Chatfield?), lots of Green-tailed Towhees, 10 Western Tanagers, and 3 Lark Buntings flying south.  Down in the riparian along the east side of the Platte (Douglas) there was a Northern Waterthrush at a pool off the river channel, 2 Cassin's Vireos (1 singing for an extended time!), 1 Plumbeous, more tanagers, and a Brown Creeper (my 1st away from the mountains this season).

The Swim Beach (JeffCo) had 1 Sabine's Gull and two Forster's Terns early in the day. Then I returned there near noon and there was a Cattle Egret standing on the sand, 2 Forster's and a Common Tern. A Rock Wren was lurking among the restrooms, the closest thing to rocks in the area.

At home in Ken Caryl Valley I had a Band-tailed Pigeon flying north (nearly late?), and my feeders still have multiple Rufous and a couple Broad-tailed Hummers, plus today 1 Black-chinned Hummer.

David Suddjian
Littleton, CA
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