Barr Lake - Northern Waterthrush

40 visualitzacions
Ves al primer missatge no llegit

Gregg Goodrich

no llegida,
30 d’ag. 2016, 13:12:4730/8/16

Ann and I refound the NOWA about 300 yards north of the bridge at the Nature Center. It was in the canal bathing and flipping leaves. Got some digiscope photos that are attached to the eBird list. There was a Solitary Sandpiper in the canal as well. Lots of Wilson's Warblers. 

Then several Baird's Sandpipers on the lake shore along with one Greater Yellowlegs. 

eBird Checklist – Barr Lake SP--Neidrach Nature Trail

Gregg Goodrich 
Aurora, CO

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