Water levels and shorebird conditions on the plains, Washington, Morgan, and Weld Counties

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W. Robert Shade III

Aug 27, 2019, 8:05:56 PM8/27/19
to CoBirds Rare Bird Alert
Steve Kingswood and I just visited Prewitt and several other sites. The water is high at the Prewitt Inlet but we saw Baird's, Least, Semipalmated, Wilson's Phalarope, and one Stilt SP. Over 300 Franklin's Gulls resting on a sandbar in cool breezy weather. Close views. 

The playa at State 71 and JJ in Morgan County had about a dozen Baird's SP in the drying up slough on the south side. 

Weld CR 59 just south of US 34 had high water, duck weed and algae thick on every shore and few birds except for flocks  of Cinnamon/Blue-winged Teals.

Loloff Pond had high water but the little bit of shore on the north end had half a dozen Wilson's Phalarope, 3 Greater Yellowlegs, and Baird's SP and 2 Black-winged Stilts. 

Lower Latham was almost dried up on the south side with no ducks but about 70 Baird's and Least SP in the shallow water that was left. Cattle released in south side mud and rampaging through while we were there. The marsh on the north side is dry. BeeBee Draw pond much smaller and the area dry. The oil industry is taking over Weld County! 

Bob Shade
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