Happy to be crossing paths with Red Crossbills again

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David Suddjian

Jul 7, 2022, 10:34:56 AM7/7/22
to Colorado Birds
After hardly finding any Red Crossbills at all over the past 12+ months, there seems to be a shift going on, with crossbills appearing now before my ears and eyes. I've had a number of encounters over the past several days. For example, I had Red Crossbills at 7 places on a survey on July 1 up Old Squaw Pass Road and along the road up to Mt Evans peak in Clear Creek County. These were both Type 2 and Type 5 Red Crossbills, and I was excited to see that there is a new cone crop ripening up there for bristlecone pine, lodgepole pine and Engelmann spruce. The Type 2 birds were clearly associated with the bristlecone pines, such as a flock in the old bristlecone stand near the Mt Goliath Natural Area. I did not see any foraging, and the cones were not ripe, but the crossbills were hanging there. I'd suggest hanging around near bristlecones if you are up there is a good way to find some crossbills. Some Type 5 birds seemed to be engaged in courtship near Squaw Pass. 

Down at my Ken Caryl Valley home in Jefferson County I've had 5 detections of Red Crossbill (Type 2) in just three days July 5-7. All were passing over as if on the move, not foraging locally. This is a record-paced frequency for noting crossbills near my home, where I have had a number of detections but they are sporadic and infrequent. Now I feel I must be ready to record flight calls at any moment when I step out.. 

David Suddjian
Ken Caryl Valley
Littleton, CO

Eric DeFonso

Jul 7, 2022, 4:35:12 PM7/7/22
to cob...@googlegroups.com
For what it's worth, I too have been encountering Red Crossbills (RECR) this season with much greater frequency than I have the past 2 years. As usual this time of year, I'm doing a number of bird surveys for the Conservancy in various parts of the state. Recently I had a number of surveys in the vicinity of the Eaglesnest Wilderness north of Vail, and in various locations in the general Eagle-Vail corridor. In the past week I've had RECR on every survey, sometimes just 1 or 2 individuals, but other times a dozen or more. I'm seeing them and hearing them calling, and sometimes singing. Sometimes I even get the two most common types in Colorado, Type 2 and Type 5, on the same survey (although in our surveys we don't record the RECR types in our data collection). I aspire to get recordings, but I am often too slow on the draw to get my recording apparatus ready before the birds leave.

I'm pretty sure the last couple field seasons I may have encountered only a couple individual birds the entire season, if that. So this year, it feels much more assuring and encouraging to find these fabulous creatures regularly traversing our forests.

Eric DeFonso
near Lyons, Boulder County, CO

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