NORTHERN CARDINAL and White-winged Dove, Boulder County

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Eric DeFonso

Jul 24, 2015, 10:08:03 AM7/24/15
Yes, Boulder, not Tucson or Corpus Christi.

Hi folks,

While out for a long run in residential Boulder this morning, I heard both these species vocalizing in their respective distinctive ways. 

The Northern Cardinal was singing near 19th and Neher, which for those of you familiar with the town is right along that very steep incline on 19th just downhill from Norwood. This puts it about a mile away from the 4th and Juniper area that a Cardinal has been frequently reported off and on for the past couple years - almost certainly the same individual, but in an area that I don't believe it had been detected before.

The White-winged Dove was over at 5th and Pine, calling from a large leafy tree near the intersection. I had actually heard this bird in this same neighborhood about 3 weeks ago during a similar run, but had forgotten to report it then.

Eric DeFonso
Boulder, CO
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