Look out for Limpkins

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Nathan Pieplow

Jun 24, 2022, 12:53:24 PM6/24/22
to cobirds
An unprecedented wave of Limpkins is sweeping north and west from the Gulf Coast. Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa have all had their first state records in recent days. One showed up in the Texas Panhandle east of Amarillo, less than 200 miles from Colorado.

This would be a great time to search for Colorado's first state record around water bodies, swampy spots, and well-watered riparian areas such as Two Buttes, Thurston Reservoir, Van's Marsh, and the west end of John Martin Reservoir, just to name a few.

Nathan Pieplow

Bryan Guarente

Jun 28, 2022, 3:00:56 PM6/28/22
to Nathan Pieplow, cobirds
Backing up Nathan's mention of Limpkins in weird places... I have to talk about the weather pattern that seems to be bringing these birds inland. Take a look at the many links I have below.  The green circle in each of the maps is the location of the Limpkin sighting. You may start to notice an average pattern for Limpkin inland wandering.  

Tom, OK Limpkin (first sighting April 21, 2022)

Tulsa, OK Limpkin (first sighting May 10, 2022)

Fayetteville, AR Limpkin (first sighting May 18, 2022)

Eastern KS Limpkin (first sighting June 2, 2022)
Amarillo, TX Limpkin (first sighting June 21, 2022)

Chariton, IA Limpkin (first sighting June 22, 2022)
Omaha, NE Limpkin (first sighting June 23, 2022)
The pattern seems to be a strong high pressure system in the southeast US (very large scale clockwise wind flow pattern) and usually a frontal passage right on top of the Limpkin location.  This pattern gives a connection to FL (typical Limpkin locale) and provides a concentration point at the frontal passage.  If you have read my posts or my journal article, you would see that this is a similar thing that we are looking for at other times of year for any migrant.  Find the convergence location with a nice swath of connection to a source region, you can get different birds.  ALL of the links above have that same pattern except for May 10.

It is hard for that type of high pressure system to setup far enough west to get CO its Limpkin, but I am sure it can happen sometime. Keep your eyes peeled like Nathan suggests, especially if you start to see a pattern like what you see above.  Maybe July 2nd is a possible day for Limpkin in CO (I am not making any guarantees):

Keep your eyes open!

Bryan Guarente
Meteorologist/Instructional Designer
UCAR/The COMET Program
Boulder, CO

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