Yellow-throated Warbler logistics

瀏覽次數:38 次

Nathan Pieplow

2017年10月27日 晚上7:07:002017/10/27
I was able to see the Yellow-throated Warbler that Nick Moore found this afternoon, in the oaks on the north side of the east Kittredge Pond. Great find -- this spot is literally 20 steps from my front door, so I am a little chagrined that I wasn't the one who found it, but I got to see it, so I can't complain.

Some logistics for those who want to look for it: This location is on the CU-Boulder campus. Parking is difficult, and will be impossible tomorrow (Saturday 10/28) because CU's homecoming football game starts at noon. You will pretty much have to walk a long distance to look for this bird tomorrow, or else arrive by bus or bike.

I do NOT recommend parking in the Base-mar shopping center parking lot and walking north across Baseline Road. They have people who watch the lot, and if they see you leaving your car in their lot to head to campus, they are likely to boot your car.

If the bird sticks around until Sunday or beyond, your best bet with parking is to drive into campus and use the public metered parking spots (the pale pink ones on this map:

I should be able to look for this bird each morning and let people know if I see it.

Nathan Pieplow
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