Recent Boulder County Rarity Roundup

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Nick Moore

Jul 16, 2016, 6:25:28 PM7/16/16
Yesterday I saw the Little Blue Heron in Longmont as reported by others. Afterwards as I came home I saw a flock of 72! Black-billed Magpies forming a massive flock on the roof of a nearby apartment building. I've never seen so many together. They swirled around for a few minutes with several flock joining and then left. All this happened in under five minutes, bizarre. 

Today I hiked Ouzel Falls and heard the singing Pacific Wren. It was hard to hear from the trail (all credit to my girlfriend Kat, who standing next to me could hear the bird when I couldn't). It was south of the trail and only signing sporadically. 

If you want audio check out:

Good birding,

Nick Moore

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