CBRC update

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Peter Gent

Jul 1, 2023, 8:58:05 PM7/1/23


I am pleased to announce that there is now available a new fast way to submit records to the Colorado Bird Records Committee using an ebird checklist that has good photographs. At the CBRC site  https://cobrc.org/  click on 'Documentations' and there is now a 'Submit Ebird Record' option.  The page requires you to give a few necessary details, such as the species, date and location, and then load the 'Link to Ebird Checklist'.  Then there is a box where you can add more description if you wish, but this is not required. The second page is where you upload at least one photograph of the bird, but more photos are fine too.  That's it: it should only take 2 to 3 minutes to submit the record.  If you prefer the old format for submitting records, then that is still available under 'Documentations' and 'Submit a Report'.

Hopefully, this will encourage more people to submit their sightings of rare birds in Colorado to the CBRC as well as ebird. The list of birds considered rare is under 'Documentations' and 'Review List'.

Peter Gent,  Boulder.
Chairman  CBRC.

Nicholas Komar

Jul 2, 2023, 10:40:45 AM7/2/23
to Peter Gent, COBIRDS
Peter, this is great news.  Kudos to you for simplifying the process. 

Nick Komar
Fort Collins 

On Jul 2, 2023, at 10:34 AM, Peter Gent <ge...@ucar.edu> wrote:

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Jul 7, 2023, 10:30:35 AM7/7/23
to Colorado Birds
Thanks Peter. This is what we dialogued about recently. Will take it for a test drive down the road....cheers...

John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO

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