Fun birding at CU East Campus, Boulder County

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Peter Burke

May 24, 2015, 10:55:38 PM5/24/15
to Colorado Birds
I spent the morning along the bike path by the CU East Campus, Confluence Ponds. There was a female/first-year Blackpoll Warbler, a Veery haning out with White-crowned Sparrows, several Swainson's Thrushes, singing Red-eyed Vireo, Gray Flycatcher and the previously reported Northern Mockingbird was on the west side of the pond. Western Wood-Pewees were seemingly at every many unidentified small empids.

Later I was at Cottonwood Marsh where the Black Terns continue their photography-defying dancing -- I counted 18 today, but there have been upwards of 28 this week... As the storm approached, I heard and then saw four Sandhill Cranes heading east...being pushed by the weather. Seems late for Sandhills, no?

Some photos are posted here.

Good birding,

Peter Burke

Editor, Colorado Birds

Colorado Field Ornithologists

935 11th St. Boulder, CO 80302

(973) 214-0140

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