Northern Parula & Chestnut-sided Warbler - El Paso County

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Ken & Christie Pals

May 28, 2013, 2:24:10 PM5/28/13
to COBirds

I went down to Fountain Creek Regional Park hoping to re-find the Yellow-throated Vireo reported by Lee Farese yesterday.  

While there I met Bob Goycoolea who had found a singing male Northern Parula along the irrigation ditch just east of the head gate / waterfall area in the park.  We birded together around the "grandfather cottonwood tree that is located on the nature center trail loop, but we did not see or hear the Yellow-throated Vireo.  Later after we had split ways, Bob called me over to see a male Chestnut-sided Warbler that he had found in the ash tree at the south end of the Nature Center Pond just south and west of the bridge/bench.  

A bit later, Bill Evans sneaked up behind to also see the Chestnut-sided Warbler.  The warbler was at eye level or lower and other times it was near the top of the tree.  Sometimes it just perched in one place for several minutes and was hard to find.  When it was foraging, it was fairy easy to find and follow.

Bill and I then went to look for the N. Parula and was able to re-find it along the irrigation ditch feeding in the willows and New Mexico locusts. It was singing and fairly easy to hear and find.  

Back near the "grandfather cottonwood tree, we heard and then found a male Blackpoll Warbler.

There were lots of bird sounds in the park especially around the nature center pond and irrigation ditch leading to the head-gate/waterfall.  There were bunches of singing male yellow warblers and calling females (strong chips).  A few Common Yellowthroats and at least one lingering female type Yellow-rumped Warbler.  In addition we saw one Green Heron and two Snowy Egrets in S Rice's Pond.  Also a Lincoln's Sparrow along with the usual suspects found around a wetland/riparian habitat.

Good Birding,
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs

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