Magnolia, Blackpoll & Hooded Warblers, Am Redstart, Least & Willow Flycatchers in Bent County today

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SeEtta Moss

May 24, 2013, 1:19:20 AM5/24/13
I had seen and photographed a male Magnolia Warbler in Van's Grove and was trying to figure out what the other warbler that I hadn't got a clear view of but got a sort of photo when Duane Nelson drove in.  He told me that Eric DeFonso had called to let him know he had seen both a Magnolia and a Blackpoll Warbler there earlier today.  I refound the Magnolia that had wondered off and got Duane on it.  He and I got great looks as it fed in front of us.  As I continued looking for the Blackpoll after Duane left the Magnolia kept showing up right in front of me so I got some great photos of this stunning male in breeding plumage and have uploaded some of them onto my Birds and Nature blog.

I did spot the male Blackpoll Warbler as well as 2 Yellow Warblers, at least 2 Willow Flycatchers, 2 empid spp, at least 8 Swainson's and 1 Hermit Thrush, a male Indigo Bunting, about 6 Orchard and several Bullock's Orioles, and several Western Wood-Pewees in this very birdy grove of trees.  I heard a Western Wood-Pewee that sounded as though it had added another song at the beginning of the typical song but did not hear the Eastern Wood-Pewee reported by Eric. 

I drove on to Temple Grove where I found a beautiful male American Redstart, 2 Least Flycatchers and 1 Warbling Vireo.  I also heard a Hooded Warbler call twice but could not locate it visually..  This was very good considering that the irrigation canal has been turned off and there is effectively no water to provide insects for migrants there at this time. 

Though I got a late start due to having to make stops in Pueblo it was well worth the almost 300 mile trip today.  I have more excellent Magnolia Warbler photos I will get up tonight plus a few good ones of the Blackpoll and American Redstart (they may not be up until tomorrow). 

SeEtta Moss
Canon City
Personal blog @
Blogging for Birds an Blooms Magazine @

SeEtta Moss

May 24, 2013, 9:57:06 PM5/24/13
I misspelled Tempel Grove in my post last night but after receiving an email about it I was too tired to correct it then (and tiredness is how I goofed on the spelling as I had actually looked it up earlier so I would spell correctly). 

And I forgot to note that I neither saw nor heard any Gray Catbirds or Eastern Phoebes at Tempel Grove which is unusual for part of May. 

I also forgot in my tiredness to mention just how chilly it was in the far lower Arkansas Valley yesterday--amazing for almost the end of May, I had to put on a jacket over my long sleeved shirt in the middle of the afternoon and added a sweatshirt by late afternoon.  Very different from forecasts for mid-90's the next several days. 

BTW, I have all ten of the close-up photos of the Magnolia Warbler and 2 or the Blackpoll Warbler I took yesterday at Van's Grove plus photos of the male American Redstart I found at Tempel Grove--on my Birds and Nature blog.
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