More discussion on the behavior of the Dickcissels in Canon City

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SeEttaM .

Jun 27, 2015, 2:25:28 AM6/27/15
So I noted yesterday that I observed a lot more activity with Dickcissels flying about the hayfield more yesterday than I had observed when I have checked on them daily this week as well as at least 4 separate chases during about an hour and half.   Interestingly Birds of North America (BNA) online discusses how males behaves around females as follows:

  • "Male begins almost continuous singing as soon as he is on territory, and when a female settles on his territory, he spends most of his time accompanying her as she forages and inspects nest sites. This close attentiveness persists through nest-building, egg-laying, and incubation, but wanes rapidly after hatching. " [Temple, Stanley A. 2002. Dickcissel (Spiza americana), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online:]

So it seems plausible that the difference I observed was because the females had just arrived and the males were, like the ones I observed with the females, engaged in accompanying them flying around the field as she 'forages and inspects nest sites.'  Note today I was not able to get out to watch them until later this evening so add any additional observations at this time.  I wonder if anyone else has observed similar behavior with Dickcissels?

I do hope the females pick sites near the fence or other locations that will not be mowed as there is no way they will have time to nest before this field is cut down.

SeEtta Moss

Canon City
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