Glossy and hybrid plegadis ibis, Eastern Phoebe and foy Cassin's Kingbird in Canon City area

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SeEttaM .

May 8, 2014, 2:14:10 AM5/8/14
There was a very large flock of plegadis ibis in Florence this morning (Wednesday) numbering between 250 and 300.  I observed two birds that had field marks consistent with Glossy Ibis and one that was clearly a hybrid.  The two Glossy Ibis were actively feeding so moving in and out of the flock so I couldn't get reasonable photos of them.  They hybrid had bathed then stayed in one spot to groom so I did get several good photos showing the line of blue bare skin going around the back of the eye.  It is showed a reddish caste to it's eyes and plum coloration to the bare skin between the lines of bare skin.  I have uploaded these photos to my Birds and Nature blog.

I refound an Eastern Phoebe at the Florence River Park, I suspect the same one I reported over a week ago and saw again two days ago (but failed to note it in my post as I was fighting off a bout of acute bronchitis that was likely facilitated by the blowing dust in the Lamar area during last week's big dust storms there)..  I haven't seen the Black Phoebe in that area for several weeks.

I found a first of the year Cassin's Kingbird near Brush Hollow Reservoir. 

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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