Push of MacGillivray's Warblers and Lincoln's Sparrows through Canon City Riverwalk plus Black Phoebes and a Green Heron there too

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SeEtta Moss

May 22, 2013, 6:33:13 AM5/22/13
to cob...@googlegroups.com
On Sunday I was surprised to find 3 male MacGillvray's Warblers in about a hundred foot length of the Canon City Riverwalk towards the MacKenzie end of the trail.  I later found a 4th MacGillivray's near the Sell's parking area over a mile further west.  Yesterday I only found 1 male MacGillivray's but today I found 3 male MacGillivray's along the bluff trail between the Sell's parking area and the half mile marker.  That's a high number of MacGillivray's for about a mile and a half of this trail.  I did get a photo of a MacGillivray's in the leaf litter with a greenish worm or caterpillar today and have uploade it to my Birds and Nature blog.

Also had high numbers of Lincoln's Sparrows with 4 on Sunday and 7 yesterday on the Canon City Riverwalk, most around the Sell's parking area.

Yesterday I saw a Green Heron fly into some dense vegetation on the Arkansas River near the Canon City Riverwalk near the .25 mile marker west of the MacKenzie parking area.

I saw one Black Phoebe a short distance from the MacKenzie parking area for the Canon City Riverwalk yesterday but it wasn't there today when I birded that area.  Today I spotted 2 Black Phoebes on the other side of the Arkansas River from the Canon City Riverwalk's 'river trail' near the .25 mile marker.

Yellow Warblers are in very good numbers, singing, chasing and building nests (found one in progress).  Yellow-rumped Warblers numbers down a lot as they have apparently moved on through in good numbers these past few weeks. 

Male Western Tanagers continue to migrate through and I see 3-4 daily on the Canon City Riverwalk (and one in my neighbor's birdbath yesterday).

Gray Catbirds are back in Canon City.  I have seen several on the bluff trail and near the MacKenzie parking area in the past 3 days plus my neighborhood catbird returned to my yard today (have been visited almost daily during breeding season every year since a pair nested under my window about 8-10 years ago).

SeEtta Moss
Canon City
Personal blog @ http://BirdsAndNature.blogspot.com
Blogging for Birds an Blooms Magazine @ http://BirdsAndBloomsBlog.com

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