Black Phoebe in Canon City Riverwalk area; Warbler fest in Canon City area downgraded to just a picnic

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SeEtta Moss

Sep 25, 2013, 1:41:20 AM9/25/13
This morning I returned to Red Canyon Park (8 miles north of Canon City on Red Canyon Road) for a hour or so of birding. There were still warblers feeding in some of the hackberry trees but fewer and activity was down to a low roar.  Yellow-rumps were predominate and all I saw were Audubon's.  There were still a few Townsend's left but only one or two Wilson's Warblers plus at least 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets.  A nice flock of Bushtits made up for the reduced warbler action while the Townsend's Solitaires serenaded from nearby.  I hear Pinyon Jays but the only jay species I saw today was Western Scub Jay.  I have uploaded a couple of photos of Yellow-rumps I took today onto my Birds and Nature blog.  (I also uploaded photos I took at Ramsey Canyon Preserve in AZ earlier this month of a female Black-chinned Hummingbird feeding her fledgling and one of the fledgling perched alone). 

Around noontime when I got back into Canon City I stopped briefly by the Canon City Riverwalk near the Sell's Lake parking lot.  I heard then saw a Black Phoebe. 

SeEtta Moss
Canon City
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