CFO Convention - 2018: Paper Session

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Amber Carver

20 Jan 2018, 5:09:50 pm20/1/18

Greetings, Colorado ornithologists!

The 2018 annual Convention of the Colorado Field Ornithologists is right around the corner, and we are excited to begin accepting abstracts for the scientific paper session.  If you would like to give a talk, now is the time to write and submit a proposal for the presentation that you would like to give. The meeting will be held Thursday, May 17th to Sunday, May 20th in Longmont, Colorado. The scientific paper session will take place on May 19th from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. We offer a discounted student/youth registration rate that includes the welcome picnic, guided field trips, student social, and banquet with a keynote speaker. 

Time allotted to each presentation will be 15-20 minutes, including a few minutes for questions and answers. Presentations should focus on birds of Colorado. Potential topics include bird biology, habitat, conservation, identification, or population trends. Talks can discuss either finished or ongoing research, and presenters need not be students or affiliates of a university. We welcome talks arising from diverse forms of engagement in the study and understanding of Colorado birds.  Abstracts should include a descriptive but concise title for the proposed talk, name of the presenter(s), names of collaborators (if applicable), affiliation(s), and email address(es). Please limit abstracts to 250 words, not including title, authorship, and contact information. The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, April 27th at 5PM. Please note that all presenters must register for the convention. 

All abstracts should be submitted electronically to Amber Carver ( Please submit your abstract in word or PDF format.  If you have questions about content, format, or logistics, please send those to the same email address. 

-Amber Carver

Department of Integrative Biology

University of Colorado Denver

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