Gray Flycatcher fallout in Canon City, Fremont Co. 4/29

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Apr 30, 2017, 8:38:38 PM4/30/17
to cobirds
Yesterday, three of us saw an amazing number of Gray Flycatchers, pushed down to Canon City, by the weather.  We ended up counting 27 Gray Flycatchers, seen from 4 different locations in Canon City.  This species breeds in the pinyon juniper woodlands of Fremont County, though all of the 27 we saw yesterday, we migrating birds along or near the Arkansas River.  Most birds were along the Canon City Riverwalk, between Sells and Raynolds.  Other species that were seen in large numbers in Canon City yesterday, because of the weather, were:  Western and Mountain Bluebirds, Say's Phoebes (also a few Black and Eastern Phoebes as well), American Pipits, and swallows.  The only warblers, were Yellow-rumped, a few Orange-crowned, and one male Common Yellowthroat.  We saw both Hermit and Swainson's Thrushes, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, a Dusky Flycatcher, two Lazuli Buntings, Evening Grosbeaks, and variety of sparrows (Chipping, Brewer's, Lark, White-crowned, and two Black-throated).

The water bird highlights were some shorebirds, including Semipalmated, Western, and Least Sandpipers, Long-billed Dowitchers, Willet, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Solitary and Spotted Sandpipers, and Killdeer.  Also, large number of White-faced Ibis, and a couple Snowy Egrets.

Probably the best birds of the day, were a Caspian Tern in Florence and four Broad-winged Hawks along the Canon City Riverwalk.

A really fun day of birding in Fremont County yesterday.  The weather was much better there, then what we would have encountered in SE Colorado, where were planning to be this weekend.

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO
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