Pueblo Reservoir Yellow-billed Loon still present 3/28

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Mar 28, 2018, 11:38:05 AM3/28/18
to cobirds

The juvenile Yellow-billed Loon and the Common Loon (mostly in breeding plumage) found yesterday (27 March), continue at Pueblo Reservoir, in the North Eastern part of Pueblo Reservoir, Pueblo County, this morning, 28 March 28.  According to my records, the last Yellow-billed Loon to be seen at Pueblo Reservoir, was January 2008.  Since a lot of people saw the Yellow-billed Loon in the Denver area, and the one in Gunnison this winter, I assume not too many people are interested in seeing this one, except for maybe local people and maybe county listers that weren't around for the last one (I believe seven Pueblo County birders saw it yesterday).

Quite a few other migrants have been around Pueblo Reservoir area lately.  Black and Eastern Phoebes, Barn, Tree, and Cliff Swallows, Savannah Sparrow, Brown-headed Cowbird, Blue-winged and Cinnamon Teal, American Avocet, Greater Yellowlegs, American White Pelican, Turkey Vulture, Western Bluebird, Franklin's and Bonaparte's Gulls, among others.  A Harris's Sparrow is also hanging around, as of yesterday.

Good spring birding,

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO

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