18 Colorado Christmas Bird Counts are scheduled this weekend. The weather doesn't look wonderful. Snow likely both Saturday and Sunday in Colorado. I don't know of any postponements for any counts yet, though it is possible, so check with the compiler.
Saturday, 14 December:
Colorado Springs, Denver, Fairplay, Fort Collins, Granby, Longmont, Monte Vista NWR, Pueblo Reservoir, Pagosa Springs, Salida, and Steamboat Springs
Sunday, 15 December:
Aspen, Boulder, Durango, Evergreen-Idaho Springs, Grand Junction, Gunnison, and Penrose.
If a bird species is missed on count day, it can be added to the count list, as count week species, if found three days before or after count day in the count circle. So, today was the first day for count week for the Saturday, 14 December counts. Tomorrow, would be the first day for count week for the Sunday, 15 December counts (if they aren't postponed). It is possible that some rarities in Colorado, will not be seen on any Colorado CBC, during count day, and just be found during count week, so make sure to keep track of those.
Brandon Percival
Colorado CBC Regional Editor
Pueblo West, CO