Pueblo birds 11/21 -- Pacific Wren, etc.

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Brandon Percival

Nov 21, 2016, 2:06:44 PM11/21/16
to cobirds
Chris Knight (visiting from out of state) and I walked the Arkansas
River, below Pueblo City Park in Pueblo (Pueblo County), to the wooded
footbridge (west of Dutch Clark Stadium) this morning. The best
things, were a Pacific Wren (we think, seen and heard, and recorded),
female Wilson's Warbler, and four White-winged Doves. In Pueblo City
Park, we re-found the juvenile Yellow-bellied Sapsucker in the NE part
of the park, that Ira Sanders and the DFO found yesterday. Also, in
this part of the park, was a White-winged Dove, and lots of
Yellow-rumped Warblers and other birds.

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO
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