Huerfano County Update: Red Phalarope

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Polly Neldner

Jul 31, 2014, 4:54:09 PM7/31/14
Scooter and I were walking at Wahatoya Lake this morning at around 10:30 am when I noticed a bird over my right shoulder heading toward the lake. The wing pattern was not familiar to put the bins up for a closer look. Was surprised to find a very colorful phalarope with a yellow bill...female Red Phalarope on the last day of July! I must admit I did the "spastic Polly dance" for a moment trying to decide if I had really seen what I thought I saw.  Took lots of photos, some of which may be seen on the CFO Facebook page. I did not have my phone with me so could not look it up. Watched the bird for quite a long time as it would make little forays onto shore, sometimes within 10 ft. of me. It was not bothered by the presence of my dog or myself...but I was concerned  the folks getting ready to launch their fishing tubes would scare it off. I needn't have worried as the bird was not phased by any of the goings on near her, she was that intent on feeding.

Booked it back home and called my husband Paul, luckily he was able to come home and we were both graced with wonderful looks at a life bird almost in our own backyard! She was still there at 1:45 pm. Weather permitting we will head back up this evening...

Polly Wren Neldner
La Veta, CO
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