Sandhill crane Boulder County

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R Carol Cushman

Feb 11, 2018, 3:20:42 PM2/11/18
to cobirds
Around 11:30 this morning a lone sandhill crane flew over East Boulder Trail at the bridge over Boulder Creek heading west.

A brown thrasher has been hanging around and sporadically foraging under our feeder, sheltering under a mugo pine, since October 30. Very aggressive, it chases away the smaller birds, including redwing blackbirds, but retreats when the magpies arrive or when the Cooper’s hawk is perching somewhere near. A few days ago Glenn was watching out the window and said it was out of my sight, watching me approach with the mealworms and then retreated just barely out of my sight. Hope it stays around till spring and we get to hear it sing.

Carol Cushman
East Boulder County
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