Clear Springs Ranch, El Paso Co, Tuesday

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Steven Brown

May 27, 2014, 2:25:43 PM5/27/14
Hi COBirders,

Banding report for Clear Springs Ranch Tuesday 5/27/14

Warm, clear, calm, and muddy today. No unexpected birds today, but there are still migrants going through, and more females. Some of these birds are likely going to stay and nest here, as well.

Banded today:

W Wood-Pewee, 2
Gray Flycatcher
Swainson's Thrush 2 Ad
Gray Catbird 2 Ad
Brown Thrasher Ad
Yellow Warbler SY (second year) f
Wilson's Warbler Ad m
MacGillivray's Warbler Ad f
Lazuli Bunting Ad f, SY m
Lincoln's Sparrow
Bullock's Oriole Ad f

Also caught but not banded, Spotted Towhee Ad f, and recaptures of banded Yellow Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Brown Thrasher.

Good birding,
Steve Brown
Colorado Springs

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