Probable Northern Shrike, lesser Scaup, and question about harrassing geese w/fireworks -Arapahoe Co

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Feb 5, 2018, 8:55:25 PM2/5/18
to Colorado Birds

At about 5:00 p.m. today, while biking along the Platte along the Broken Tee golf course in Englewood, I saw what I thought was, at first, a Clark's nutcracker.  Upon review of eBird data, a Northern Shrike seems much more likely, particularly as Art Hudak posted one at Centennial Park (1/2 mile south of my location) in January.  I saw a lesser scaup on the river close by.  Both were in Arapahoe Co.

As I approached the bridge over the Platte, directly opposite the golf course, a VERY loud firework was set off by a course marshal.  It scared the you know what out of me, but it was actually aimed at a flock of geese on the course.  Is it legal to shoo geese away this way?  I certainly didn't appreciate it, on their behalf or mine!

Bryan Arnold
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