Pueblo, Fremont Counties

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Dan Stringer

Feb 14, 2019, 10:42:33 AM2/14/19
to Colorado Birds
Yesterday afternoon at Pueblo SWA (at the end of Swallows Road, Pueblo County) in the highest-velocity wind I've ever walked in, I saw a Greater Roadrunner just above the mud flats. I also saw the "herd" of Black Scoters (I counted 7) among the numerous waterfowl, before many hundreds of birds lifted up in an effort to elude a Northern Harrier. At the south marina mixed in with many Ring-billed and a few Herring Gulls were two Lesser Black-backed, the Great Black-backed, and a Glaucous Gull. At Sailboard Launch area I saw two Common Loons.

In Canon City (Fremont Co) I saw no sapsuckers in three locations searched. At Tunnel Drive I saw a Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Canyon Towhees, two Canyon Wrens, and a Rock Wren. All three wrens were foraging in rocky underbrush like sparrows. In fact the Rock Wren was associating with two Song Sparrows, moving and foraging with them.

Dan Stringer
Larkspur, CO


Dan Stringer

Feb 14, 2019, 4:00:16 PM2/14/19
to Colorado Birds
Although I saw Canyon Wrens and Rock Wrens at Tunnel Drive, the photo is a Bewick’s Wren from the same location.

Dan Stringer
Larkspur, CO
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