Birds Pouring In at Monte Vista NWR

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Feb 12, 2019, 4:54:24 PM2/12/19
to Colorado Birds
The action is picking up at the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge and other Valley places. There are currently 2-3,000 assorted Cackling, Canada and Sandhill Cranes at the refuge (Rio Grande County). To see them, they are on the 7S and 3E roads. There is still plenty of snow cover so birds are flocking to fields with standing grain. Another 2,000 birds (assorted) were 2 miles north of La Jara on the east side of the highway.

A trip to Antonito failed to produce Sagebrush Sparrow, which should be arriving soon. 

Still some Bald Eagles to be seen along South River Road, south of Alamosa (Alamosa County). 

John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO

Feb 14, 2019, 5:48:40 PM2/14/19
to Colorado Birds
Water is now running and birds are congregating at the usual turnouts. Cinnamon Teal made a showing today as well as Common Goldeneye.
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