Bird Conservancy of the Rockies - Chico Basin Ranch Banding Report 5/28

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Colin Woolley

May 28, 2021, 7:43:32 PM5/28/21
to Colorado Birds
Today we had a fine morning, with a decent variety and pace of birds, never too busy but never empty-handed either. The continuing surprise was recapturing the Kentucky Warbler yet again, though this time with a higher fat score than previously and weighing in about 2 grams heavier than last week (~15% mass increase). The other surprise was a White-throated Sparrow, our first this season and the latest spring banding record for this species at Chico (all others were in first 2 weeks of May). Overall we banded 30 new birds and had 6 recaptures, of 19 species total:

Dusky Flycatcher - 1
Alder Flycatcher - 1
Western Kingbird - 1
Yellow Warbler - 2
American Redstart - 1
Wilson's Warbler - 1
MacGillivray's Warbler - 1
Kentucky Warbler - 1 recapture
Lincoln's Sparrow - 1
White-throated Sparrow - 1
Swainson's Thrush - 10
Hermit Thrush - 1
Lazuli Bunting - 1
Blue Grosbeak - 1
Black-headed Grosbeak - 1
Gray Catbird - 1
Northern Mockingbird - 2 new, 1 recapture
Bullock's Oriole - 2 new, 3 recaptures
Orchard Oriole - 1 new, 1 recapture

We are open 3 days per week (Friday - Sunday) through May 30th. Chico Basin Ranch is once again open to the public and visitors are welcome at the banding station, click here for more details on visiting. We are opening nets at about 5:20am and continuing for 5 hours, depending on weather. 

Colin Woolley
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

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