Good day all!
I have never wanted the rain to go away so badly. At the same time, I do believe that the rain is the reason for this post. I just wanted to post a recap for my birding in and around Fort Collins this week. This is going down as the best week I've ever had birding in Fort Collins. I'm not sure Wednesday of this week will ever be beat. I seemed to have a knack this week of showing up places where other birders were earlier in the day prior to any posts only to find goodies everywhere I showed up. Which is amusing considering at the beginning of last week I was begging for Yellow-rumps. So here is a quick synopsis of my observations. Pretty much all of these have previously been posted.
Tuesday-Worm-eating Warbler Madness and other goodies
Wednesday-15 Warbler day in Fort Collins-my guess is that it won't be duplicated or beaten though I'd be happy to be proven wrong
McMurray Natural Area
-Worm-eating Warbler-great sighting Dave W!
-Mourning Warbler-great sighting Dave L!
-Blackpoll Warbler
-Tennessee Warbler
-Orange-crowned Warbler
-Yellow Warbler
-Common Yellowthroat
-Yellow-breasted Chat
-Yellow-rumped Warbler
-MacGillvray's Warbler
-Northern Waterthrush
Environmental Learning Center -the same day
-American Redstart
-Wilson's Warbler
-Virginia's Warbler
-Red-eyed Vireo-seen in multiple locations including Lion's Park, Prospect Ponds, and Poudre River trail.
-Warbling Vireos-more than I've ever seen in any spring here. Lion's Park, Prospect Ponds, McMurray NA, My back yard.
-Plumbeous Vireos-see Warbling above
Flycatchers everywhere-Least, Hammond's, Dusky, Willow all singing in most of the above places.
Gray-cheeked Thrush-McMurray
Golden-winged Warbler-today at Lion's Park-Growing up in PA never got my eyes on one. Nemesis bird nailed. Nice find John!
Black-throated Grey Warbler-female at Lion's Park today (that makes a 17 warbler week for Fort Collins)
To add to Dave and Rob's observations: I also witnessed a Brown Creeper carrying food to it's mate at McMurray.
Broad-winged Hawk-3 different observations at McMurray.
Swainson's Thrushes galore
I did not see the Yellow-billed Cuckoo at Prospect Ponds nor the Great Crested Flycatcher or Yellow-throated Vireo at Lion's Park. But what a friggin' week!!! And I'm sure I'm missing something important. Met quite a few birders this week. Also very nice to put Birder faces to Birder names.
Bird is the word y'all!
Josh Bruening
Fort Collins