Crow Valley Campground - Pawnee

瀏覽次數:109 次

Linda Schmidt

2022年5月17日 清晨7:20:592022/5/17
收件者:Colorado Birds
Yesterday(5/15/22) around 11am we arrived at the campground in Briggsdale.  I haven't birded out there in the spring in many years so it was fun. It was a beautiful sunny day for birding with moderated temperature and light wind. 

Here's the list of birds we saw in a couple of hours:
American Goldfinch, American Robin, Blue Jay, Brown Thrasher, Brown-headed Cowbird, Bullock's Oriole, Chipping Sparrow, Common Grackle, Common Nighthawk, Eastern Kingbird, Eurasian Collared-Dove, European starling, Gray Catbird, Green-tailed Towhee, Hermit Thrush, Horned Lark, House Finch, House Sparrow, House Wren, Killdeer, Mourning dove, Northern Mockingbird, Red-winged Blackbird, Spotted Towhee, Western Kingbird (lots), Western Meadowlark and Yellow Warbler. 

Good Birding, Linda Schmidt
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