American Golden Plover Barr Lake Adams

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Susan Rosine

Sep 24, 2017, 4:07:02 PM9/24/17
to Colorado Birds
Took the Neirdrach Nature Trail at Barr Lake State Park and spotted an American Golden-Plover on the shoreline!
Other birds; White Pelicans, Western Grebes, Killdeer, California Gulls, Coots, Canada Geese, Ring-necked Pheasant (heard only, darn thing wouldn't show itself!), Red-breasted Nuthatches (one sported a band), Northern Flicker, Red-tailed Hawk,Great Blue Heron, Barn Swallows. I think I also saw some Yellow Legs, but need to download my pictures.
Rain kicked in and I had to go. Saw a Bald Eagle and female Belted Kingfisher just outside of the park.
Susan Rosine
Thornton CO
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